---it was quite upsetting to read a very nasty comment from you on this first day of the year. this is my blog, my page, my honest opinions, my personality. if you don't care about anything written down here then go to another site and leave your nasty remarks there. i know who you are. and in doing so, you just made a terrible mistake in hurting my feelings. do you believe in the saying "what comes around, goes around?" you will never, ever succeed in anything you do and every endeavor you take will never, ever materialize. that is the greatest mistake you did by calling me names of which i'm not.
---so next time, show some RESPECT because when you say anything to hurt me, it's just like saying it to your own mother!
Friday, December 31, 2010
what a way to greet 2011!!!
---while waiting for my cupcakes to get done in cupcake corner, and after gorging on so much food to celebrate the new year, i turned on my laptop only to find a very nasty comment on my recent blog. it was from a certain "jaundice decision" who has so cowardly hidden under the skirt of his ego to greet my blog with one word which can only probably describe himself - - - "arsehole".
---and reviewing my past blogs, i found another comment coming from him again calling me a "brit hag" and a "pervert", claiming those words came from the mouth of tom cully (who in heaven's name doesn't even know me from adam!).
---i have 3 names in mind. and these are the real certified perverts who follow thomas cully, open an account using his name, his pictures, copy his music, pretend they know him that well and even claiming to own something which is next to impossible.
---so to you, jaundice decision - if you don't have anything good to say, save those words to yourself, go and face the mirror and there you'll realize what a real pervert is. go to your little corner of your room, check on the dictionary and look up the meaning of these words - FAN, FANATIC & PERVERT.
---as for me? i'm a fan. a certified libera fan who will fight tooth and nail to uncover any sinister thoughts you gay fans have for those boys.
---and reviewing my past blogs, i found another comment coming from him again calling me a "brit hag" and a "pervert", claiming those words came from the mouth of tom cully (who in heaven's name doesn't even know me from adam!).
---i have 3 names in mind. and these are the real certified perverts who follow thomas cully, open an account using his name, his pictures, copy his music, pretend they know him that well and even claiming to own something which is next to impossible.
---so to you, jaundice decision - if you don't have anything good to say, save those words to yourself, go and face the mirror and there you'll realize what a real pervert is. go to your little corner of your room, check on the dictionary and look up the meaning of these words - FAN, FANATIC & PERVERT.
---as for me? i'm a fan. a certified libera fan who will fight tooth and nail to uncover any sinister thoughts you gay fans have for those boys.
YEARENDER:::the year that was, 2010....
---only 3 hours and 20 minutes before the clock strikes 12 midnight and we welcome 2011!! outside, a frenzy of firecrackers, loud music, panicking dogs & cats (wondering where to hide), neighbors screaming at each other, neighbors bragging on what they have for media noche (that's chow time during new year/noche buena for christmas).
---i have some significant events to remember this year. a new dog, meeting LIBERA for the first time, mhelai moving on to another company (career move, as she terms it), hubby also getting a new job at transcom, the passing away of my mother-in-law in july, & also, the passing away of tatot cadavos, a young libera fan from maasin, southern leyte and the most memorable event was that of getting duped by an ordinary person by the name of norman alcala. hah, add to that, i lost my precious pair of earrings to a very young snatcher along the busy intersection of welcome-rotonda.
---the happiest moment of my life was meeting each and every boy of LIBERA. that was in april during their philippine summer promo tour. there was also a bonus of meeting all the other members of libera 360 & the rest of libera fans from around luzon. it was a pleasure meeting all of them. a few became close to me as we still communicate through the internet or meeting up with them personally - to name, mitch young and romina enopia. while sadly, the rest i had to give up or delete from my contacts on facebook because of conflicts of opinions esp when it touched on the topic about the choirboys.
---it could have been a perfect yearender when a boy named norman alcala made me believe i was really communicating with 5 of prizeman's best - cully, madine, horncastle, leadbeater and fontannaz. i had tears in my eyes when tom cully appeared in my chatbox to say hello, stefan leadbeater addressed me as "auntie", joshua madine replied to my query, and michael horncastle finally acknowleged my greetings. i counted 22 days (or nights or early mornings) of bliss! but it was all just a dream, a nightmare - a HOAX!
---the heavens sent me "frustration" in believing norman alcala was a real bridge between the boys of libera and us fans. but on the same breathe, it brought me closer to 2 real fans & friends that up to the last hour of deleting norman in our accounts, we stayed together, laughed our hearts out together and somehow eased the burden of how stupidity got into our heads - regardless of age, character & education. KAYE GUEVARA is from baguio city, a true-blue tom cully fan. his 8-year old son, vittorio also stayed up to chat with this "fake tom cully" - poor boy, he believed in his heart he was really chatting with the real thomas cully...kaye never fails to give me a good, hearty laugh even at 2 or 3 in the morning. she always has a joke for everyone. the disappointment & frustration brought to me by norman was compensated with kaye's generosity of what an honest & a good person should be.
MARY JOY or EK is from ontario, canada. she is also a true-blue tom cully fan. the 3 of us were brought together through one common factor - we admire and adore thomas cully!! mary joy sometimes joins us on skype, no matter how busy she is with her job looking after her beloved wards. i so love these 2 "witches" (i gave this term to name the 3 of us...WITCHES). they keep me updated on what's going on with thomas and libera. if tom cully makes it big in the music industry, he can hire the 3 of us - oh, we make good bodyguards, nannies, bouncers - - - even cleaners, hah hah hah
---what a year!! at my age (52), i couldn't ask for more except good health to stay on facebook, a near-perfect eyesight so when libera hopefully comes back for a concert, i won't need a magnifying glass to look at each and everyone of them, heh heh oh well, and maybe finally meeting andy winter to say hello and ask for his autograph.
HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR FELLOW BLOGGERS!!! may we be continuously blessed with abundance of health and wealth for the new year!!!
---i have some significant events to remember this year. a new dog, meeting LIBERA for the first time, mhelai moving on to another company (career move, as she terms it), hubby also getting a new job at transcom, the passing away of my mother-in-law in july, & also, the passing away of tatot cadavos, a young libera fan from maasin, southern leyte and the most memorable event was that of getting duped by an ordinary person by the name of norman alcala. hah, add to that, i lost my precious pair of earrings to a very young snatcher along the busy intersection of welcome-rotonda.
---the happiest moment of my life was meeting each and every boy of LIBERA. that was in april during their philippine summer promo tour. there was also a bonus of meeting all the other members of libera 360 & the rest of libera fans from around luzon. it was a pleasure meeting all of them. a few became close to me as we still communicate through the internet or meeting up with them personally - to name, mitch young and romina enopia. while sadly, the rest i had to give up or delete from my contacts on facebook because of conflicts of opinions esp when it touched on the topic about the choirboys.
---it could have been a perfect yearender when a boy named norman alcala made me believe i was really communicating with 5 of prizeman's best - cully, madine, horncastle, leadbeater and fontannaz. i had tears in my eyes when tom cully appeared in my chatbox to say hello, stefan leadbeater addressed me as "auntie", joshua madine replied to my query, and michael horncastle finally acknowleged my greetings. i counted 22 days (or nights or early mornings) of bliss! but it was all just a dream, a nightmare - a HOAX!
---the heavens sent me "frustration" in believing norman alcala was a real bridge between the boys of libera and us fans. but on the same breathe, it brought me closer to 2 real fans & friends that up to the last hour of deleting norman in our accounts, we stayed together, laughed our hearts out together and somehow eased the burden of how stupidity got into our heads - regardless of age, character & education. KAYE GUEVARA is from baguio city, a true-blue tom cully fan. his 8-year old son, vittorio also stayed up to chat with this "fake tom cully" - poor boy, he believed in his heart he was really chatting with the real thomas cully...kaye never fails to give me a good, hearty laugh even at 2 or 3 in the morning. she always has a joke for everyone. the disappointment & frustration brought to me by norman was compensated with kaye's generosity of what an honest & a good person should be.
MARY JOY or EK is from ontario, canada. she is also a true-blue tom cully fan. the 3 of us were brought together through one common factor - we admire and adore thomas cully!! mary joy sometimes joins us on skype, no matter how busy she is with her job looking after her beloved wards. i so love these 2 "witches" (i gave this term to name the 3 of us...WITCHES). they keep me updated on what's going on with thomas and libera. if tom cully makes it big in the music industry, he can hire the 3 of us - oh, we make good bodyguards, nannies, bouncers - - - even cleaners, hah hah hah
---what a year!! at my age (52), i couldn't ask for more except good health to stay on facebook, a near-perfect eyesight so when libera hopefully comes back for a concert, i won't need a magnifying glass to look at each and everyone of them, heh heh oh well, and maybe finally meeting andy winter to say hello and ask for his autograph.
HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR FELLOW BLOGGERS!!! may we be continuously blessed with abundance of health and wealth for the new year!!!
yearender- 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
zhang's message to me on FB..
November 4 at 3:04pm Report
sure... i am unworthy. what ever you say. i believe people can believe in what ever they want. but just what the hell give you the right to decide if one's worthy? who do you think you are? you don't know who i am. and frankly you will never be able to know and understand. the younger generation is not as pathetic as you think Thelma. you insult my believe in libera is insulting my believe in music. for that you don't deserve to be called a friend of mine. and i shouldn't have added strangers to my facebook at the first place. so we'll just stay away from each others lives and everyone will be happy. it was actually a real honor to know you. too bad it wasn't much of a friendship. it never was. sigh...
***this was his message to me after deleting all my posts/comments about how the fake norman/tom c. was progressing.
***it's still his belief that norman is doing the "right" thing by fooling people through his posts about his association with tc.
***oh, zhang, i love the 'younger generation'. pathetic? not in general, zhang - only you.
***you have your love for music, right - but you stand in the shadow of someone else, you and your good friend, norman.
***you don't deserve to be in my facebook, either. you're arrogant and ambitious. you use other people to get attention and more importantly, you disregard true friendship in exchange for whatever ambitious projects you have. you haven't even carved a name for yourself, and yet your attitude is unforgivable.
***keep both feet on the ground, zhang.. know when and how to spell the word
Thelma L. Guzman November 4 at 3:22pm
my reply::
and you, too. you were like a son to me. the only reason why we're having this discussion is about norman and nothing more. you're as proud and arrogant as expected to be. no matter, you won't go that far, mike. one norman who keeps on fooling you as against me who has high respect for your talent (now, i take that back because you use other people to get to where you want to be). you're just like the other hypocrite fans who know nothing but to make noise for themselves. you will definitely remember this day. now, get norman to show you that damn ROBE so you two can share your stupidity. and please, don't ever, ever use thomas cully for your evil works. go get yourself another stupid talent. we will always be here to protect thomas cully and libera from crazy people like you & norman.
and another thing, i wasn't true to myself either. you and norman just play the piano only both your ears can admire to listen.
level your feet on the ground, mike. keep your head low. you still don't have a name for yourself nor any of your lousy piano pieces to brag about.
***he deleted me in his contacts...i blocked him.
***for the record, norman alcala has just successfully recruited his right hand man by the name of mike zhang from canada.
sure... i am unworthy. what ever you say. i believe people can believe in what ever they want. but just what the hell give you the right to decide if one's worthy? who do you think you are? you don't know who i am. and frankly you will never be able to know and understand. the younger generation is not as pathetic as you think Thelma. you insult my believe in libera is insulting my believe in music. for that you don't deserve to be called a friend of mine. and i shouldn't have added strangers to my facebook at the first place. so we'll just stay away from each others lives and everyone will be happy. it was actually a real honor to know you. too bad it wasn't much of a friendship. it never was. sigh...
***this was his message to me after deleting all my posts/comments about how the fake norman/tom c. was progressing.
***it's still his belief that norman is doing the "right" thing by fooling people through his posts about his association with tc.
***oh, zhang, i love the 'younger generation'. pathetic? not in general, zhang - only you.
***you have your love for music, right - but you stand in the shadow of someone else, you and your good friend, norman.
***you don't deserve to be in my facebook, either. you're arrogant and ambitious. you use other people to get attention and more importantly, you disregard true friendship in exchange for whatever ambitious projects you have. you haven't even carved a name for yourself, and yet your attitude is unforgivable.
***keep both feet on the ground, zhang.. know when and how to spell the word
Thelma L. Guzman November 4 at 3:22pm
my reply::
and you, too. you were like a son to me. the only reason why we're having this discussion is about norman and nothing more. you're as proud and arrogant as expected to be. no matter, you won't go that far, mike. one norman who keeps on fooling you as against me who has high respect for your talent (now, i take that back because you use other people to get to where you want to be). you're just like the other hypocrite fans who know nothing but to make noise for themselves. you will definitely remember this day. now, get norman to show you that damn ROBE so you two can share your stupidity. and please, don't ever, ever use thomas cully for your evil works. go get yourself another stupid talent. we will always be here to protect thomas cully and libera from crazy people like you & norman.
and another thing, i wasn't true to myself either. you and norman just play the piano only both your ears can admire to listen.
level your feet on the ground, mike. keep your head low. you still don't have a name for yourself nor any of your lousy piano pieces to brag about.
***he deleted me in his contacts...i blocked him.
***for the record, norman alcala has just successfully recruited his right hand man by the name of mike zhang from canada.
...a turnaround for mike zhang...
---i'm known to write about something or someone that needs attention, praise or just worthy of being exposed through this page. during the height of the norman-alcala/tom cully fakery, there were people involved in our discussions - some giving out their opinions, others still having doubts whether norman or his tom were fake or not.
---one of the "witches" was bold & took a step further to tell us definitely and surely norman and his tom were fakes. much as it created quite a stir to everyone, we maintained our friendship with those fans around, and one of them was mike zhang, an ambitious student from canada. i have written a blog about zhang last month. i thought him to be an intelligent person, having said that he wasn't so much into norman anymore but that he maintained an "open mind" about the whole matter. surprisingly though, he still maintained norman among his contacts but in one of our chats, he said he will just play along with norman's drama.
---it went well. the norman/tom fakes was still there but the brouhaha lessened a bit after some fans from norman's page finally believed in what was right...well, not really.... i thought mike was with us -but recently mike posted something like IT DIDN'T MATTER AT ALL...it was short of saying everything is fine and good with what norman was still doing--- of norman alcala still maintaining the fake FB page, of norman still entertaining fans and inviting them still to join him and that of norman's untimely departure to study at the trinity school of music (exactly where stefan leadbeater is also attending). all these are contradicting to what mike zhang has told us before. he was now the "right-hand" man of norman alcala.
---mike zhang wanted fame. he thought it was really the real tom cully he was communicating with through norman. even if in his heart and mind these were just fakes, he was still taking his chances - what if we were wrong? what if norman was right and what if it was the real tom cully he was sharing his music with.
---now comes the final blow- the real thomas cully issued a statement today in his myspace, denying norman. and whatever norman says are all lies. this is what we've all been waiting for. word coming from tom himself to assure everyone that nobody has ever come that close to any libera boy. and so i thought mike zhang would already be at peace with this statement? i was wrong again! it was his choice to be friends with norman, right or wrong. and what will he benefit from that,only he'll know for himself. but what's bothering with that decision is the fact that he and norman will continue using tom's name, tom's music, tom's page and everything about tom.
---i will post the exchange of messages between mike zhang and me. i don't feel sorry not having him as a friend anymore, much less treating him as a son - his display of arrogance since i met him on facebook is quite surprising he'll end up with no friends at all. maybe only a few, and norman is one of them.
---our messages to follow...
---one of the "witches" was bold & took a step further to tell us definitely and surely norman and his tom were fakes. much as it created quite a stir to everyone, we maintained our friendship with those fans around, and one of them was mike zhang, an ambitious student from canada. i have written a blog about zhang last month. i thought him to be an intelligent person, having said that he wasn't so much into norman anymore but that he maintained an "open mind" about the whole matter. surprisingly though, he still maintained norman among his contacts but in one of our chats, he said he will just play along with norman's drama.
---it went well. the norman/tom fakes was still there but the brouhaha lessened a bit after some fans from norman's page finally believed in what was right...well, not really.... i thought mike was with us -but recently mike posted something like IT DIDN'T MATTER AT ALL...it was short of saying everything is fine and good with what norman was still doing--- of norman alcala still maintaining the fake FB page, of norman still entertaining fans and inviting them still to join him and that of norman's untimely departure to study at the trinity school of music (exactly where stefan leadbeater is also attending). all these are contradicting to what mike zhang has told us before. he was now the "right-hand" man of norman alcala.
---mike zhang wanted fame. he thought it was really the real tom cully he was communicating with through norman. even if in his heart and mind these were just fakes, he was still taking his chances - what if we were wrong? what if norman was right and what if it was the real tom cully he was sharing his music with.
---now comes the final blow- the real thomas cully issued a statement today in his myspace, denying norman. and whatever norman says are all lies. this is what we've all been waiting for. word coming from tom himself to assure everyone that nobody has ever come that close to any libera boy. and so i thought mike zhang would already be at peace with this statement? i was wrong again! it was his choice to be friends with norman, right or wrong. and what will he benefit from that,only he'll know for himself. but what's bothering with that decision is the fact that he and norman will continue using tom's name, tom's music, tom's page and everything about tom.
---i will post the exchange of messages between mike zhang and me. i don't feel sorry not having him as a friend anymore, much less treating him as a son - his display of arrogance since i met him on facebook is quite surprising he'll end up with no friends at all. maybe only a few, and norman is one of them.
---our messages to follow...
zhang 2
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
...that madine magic...

---today marks the 16th birthday of libera's beloved boy,joshua nathan madine. we all remember him as the boy who has the first intro on their leiden-dvd..."hello, i'm josh and we're called libera"...and we also remember him celebrating his 15th birthday here in manila last year as they held their first ever concerts at the PICC and cebu.
---i was not into josh so much because the first voice i heard was that of thomas cully on their "eternal" CD. then after viewing the leiden DVD, the image of that cute boy (next to tom) caught my attention. he had this wonderful smile even while singing and his restlessness caught my attention, too. in one number, he was shifting his foot, in another he made a side glance towards prizeman, as if asking for a cue. at some point, he had this serious look but even then, the faint smile was still there.
---i recall after their concert last year, quite a number of fans acknowleged joshua's talent and face (face value, as i referred to it). it made libera a solo madine group - which left the other boys with less or no fans at all. from the shrieking fans in cebu to korea, indonesia, singapore and malaysia, clearly those teenaged girls were captivated by the angelic face of joshua madine.
---funny, but my first encounter with a libera fan was simply that of a madine pic which she didn't want to share, pfffft! then came april when it was an opportunity to meet all the boys of libera. it was magical - seeing and hearing them was entirely different than being close to them (an arm's length, actually) and the second batch was even more exciting because josh was among them. and it was my turn, an autograph, a smile and a handshake. he looked up to me, said his famous line, "thanks for coming" and looked at me in the eye - i swear he had brown eyes that moment!! and he smiled. and i can't keep my eyes off his face, searching for those famous moles, hah hah he was in his element during the meet and greet. he knew he was "famous" but didn't show off. neither did he had air. he was just pure mr. smiley face.
---another round of josh was after the RCBC concert. it was again an opportunity to ask for his autograph (from him and liam, actually). this time, i had the courage to ask him and liam to write down my name (specifically dedicated to me). liam didn't have a problem spelling out my name (wonder of all wonders, why my name is always mispelled here in my own country, hah hah). when it got to josh, i was just starting out to spell my name - T-H... and he scribbled it fast, nah, didn't miss any letter.
---i've started calling him "sunshine boy" because his smile radiates warmth and sincerity. he doesn't fake it. maybe if he's not in the mood, sick, angry or whatever mood he's in, there is always a ready smile for everyone.
---they say at 16, a member of libera is "retired". josh is 16. and they say "lullabye" could be his swan song. whatever, what a fitting song for a retiring libera boy. josh's voice was extraordinarily haunting yet angelic. but we're hoping he could still stay on with libera for at least a year or until their next concert here in the philippines.
---happy birthday, josh. and with that goes all the wishes of your filipino fans and we hope to see you around sometime soon.
josh madine
Sunday, October 17, 2010

---as i write this blog, i'm listening to libera's lullabye for the nth time. it's a hauntingly beautiful song, not meant to let you fall asleep but to remember something that goes beyond the history of young kids being sent to war, young children being abandoned, the helpless and the forsaken ones. it's a beautiful yet sad song.
---i'm more of a thomas cully fan having listened to his "getting over you" & "cashmere" perhaps for the 100000th time (of course, there's an exaggeration to this, heh heh) but listening to joshua madine now, wow - this boy's voice is so sweet, i have this feeling he'd stay on with libera forever. i have admired him with his "how can i keep from singing" (and made it my ringtone of my celfone, no kidding!) because there's something in his voice that makes me - errrrrr, swoon? is that the right term for that? the boy certainly has a voice but with a different level to that of tom dot.
---i had very little idea of what the storyline of the song was but my good friend, kaye told me about it early this morning. indeed it was haunting - of how young boys were sent to war, ending a what could have been a beautiful life for them. and she also gladly gave me the lyrics of the song, which i couldn't just get right because my emotions were letting it all out, i choked on every line. it was a disaster doing a sing-along of this song!
---this morning, i went straight to the video to listen to it again while having breakfast until now that it's past lunchtime. and that's what inspired me to go straight to my blog. i will never get tired listening to tom's compositions and libera's songs - and the more it excites us to listen to that de luxe album coming soon in november. this song has already drawn so much inspiration to a lot of people - and that album has 2 christmas songs included, so it's really a treat to all fans of libera... in time for the holidays.
---the house is drowning with madine's voice now, non-stop. i have only this to say... beautiful song...beautiful voice...beautiful boy.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
...thoughts on the norman-cully lies...
---i've always been skeptic when something is presented to me. surprisingly, at times i can't distinguish a fake from an authentic. sell me gold jewelries and at first glance, i'd say it's genuine but truth is it's fancier than fancy. the same probably applied the first time i learned that there was a thomas cully account. i should have known better...
---but on the lighter side, i met my 2 friends - "witches", we called ourselves. i won't trade our laughs and giggles for anything on facebook. everytime i log on FB, local friend is always there. waiting for "tom", i surmised. she greets my mornings with jokes which sends me laughing until i log off after 12 midnight. there has never been a day, an hour where my laughter can be heard 3 houses away! our closeness has left us with our own terms of endearment - she calls me "moomy". now, i forgot what i called her then, hah hah. we exchanged fone nos. and during the height of the norman-tom-witches chat, she would wake me up to tell tom's online.
---my other friend, another of the witches, is from niagara country. she tries the best she can to join us in our chats. funny how she tells us, she'd leave for work, go for coffee, go here & there but she never leaves her computer for us. she's the thoughtful one, too. and i owe her this mess we ran into (hi hi hi, joke time witch!) and because of the time difference, local friend & i are ready for bed just as she's about to have her tim horton.
---my 2 witches and i discovered skype. we went hi-tech except for our brooms. i didn't know about this technology until there was a need for the 3 of us to go on a conference. but we always ended up giggling. nonetheless, it was fun. we waited and waited and waited until norman or any of the boys went online. and we made fun of each other until local friend thought she was hearing everything on AM- DZRH. thus, "DZRH" was born. this was our code whenever we would go on a conference call on skype. nice one, witches!
---when this brouhaha about "tom's" page went out, there was a mad scramble to get to his contacts. some japanese fans even migrated from myspace to facebook. i saw a few of my cebuana friends among them. and norman alcala accepted friends left and right even if i already gave him a background check of every head. and everybody became "tom" and norman's friends. wow.
---here are some of the posts lifted from "tom cully's" page. unfortunately, i already deleted norman's account on mine today..
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
**Tom Cully has been busy. Sam's birthday today, so going out. Can't wait for the weekend!
Tuesday at 5:49pm · Comment · Like
**Tom Cully Good morning! Just wanted to share something I overheard on the way to class this morning. "Seize the moment. Think of all those people on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart." So true innit?
October 7 at 4:52pm · Comment · Unlike
**Tom Cully What a day. Can't wait to lie down and get some shuteye. Songs are almost done, so please bear with me a little bit longer.
October 7 at 7:23am · Comment · Like
**Tom Cully G'mornin! Just got back from footy, Crystal Palace owned! Now time to get back to work on those songs.
October 2 at 6:16pm · Comment · Like
**Norman Alcala Tom! I'm calling you on Skype right now. I heard a nasty rumor about an "incident" that happened the last time you were here on tour with Libera. Tsk, tsk.
October 2 at 8:11am · Comment · Like
**Norman Alcala Hey, you there? I may be sick but we have a lot to do.
September 30 at 2:43am · Comment · LikeUnlike · View Feedback (10)Hide Feedback (10)
4 people like this.
Tom Cully your effin mental! i just got home, lemme lay about for a while, im tired.
September 30 at 2:44am · LikeUnlike
Norman Alcala Okay fine, but as soon as you're rested, get off your arse and help me! I can't figure out how to post music in MySpace.
September 30 at 2:51am · LikeUnlike
Tom Cully so you opened up a myspace page even tho you griped about it when i called you up earlier today. ill teach you after i take a bath, i stink like cod.
September 30 at 2:55am · LikeUnlike
Norman Alcala Cool! Josh and Michael going to be online tonight?
September 30 at 2:58am · LikeUnlike
Tom Cully probably after dinner
September 30 at 3:02am · LikeUnlike
Norman Alcala Okay sure. Never mind about the MySpace thing, I figured it out on my own. Check it later then.
September 30 at 3:05am · LikeUnlike · 6 people
**Tom Cully stop the poking! dont you know that if you poke someone in fb a mole grows on josh's face? be kind to joshy woshy, so no more poking.
September 27 at 3:49am · Comment · Like
**Josh Madine You need to stay after church service today Tom-Tom. Rob wants to talk to you. I think its important. I suggest you come early. I'm just about to leave the house. See you there!
September 26 at 1:49pm · Comment · Unlike
---i really can't understand if these posts are real or were they also lifted from the real tom (or josh) pages. well, except the ones that belong to norman. only one thing is clear, much as we don't want to admit it - they're fakes.
---but on the lighter side, i met my 2 friends - "witches", we called ourselves. i won't trade our laughs and giggles for anything on facebook. everytime i log on FB, local friend is always there. waiting for "tom", i surmised. she greets my mornings with jokes which sends me laughing until i log off after 12 midnight. there has never been a day, an hour where my laughter can be heard 3 houses away! our closeness has left us with our own terms of endearment - she calls me "moomy". now, i forgot what i called her then, hah hah. we exchanged fone nos. and during the height of the norman-tom-witches chat, she would wake me up to tell tom's online.
---my other friend, another of the witches, is from niagara country. she tries the best she can to join us in our chats. funny how she tells us, she'd leave for work, go for coffee, go here & there but she never leaves her computer for us. she's the thoughtful one, too. and i owe her this mess we ran into (hi hi hi, joke time witch!) and because of the time difference, local friend & i are ready for bed just as she's about to have her tim horton.
---my 2 witches and i discovered skype. we went hi-tech except for our brooms. i didn't know about this technology until there was a need for the 3 of us to go on a conference. but we always ended up giggling. nonetheless, it was fun. we waited and waited and waited until norman or any of the boys went online. and we made fun of each other until local friend thought she was hearing everything on AM- DZRH. thus, "DZRH" was born. this was our code whenever we would go on a conference call on skype. nice one, witches!
---when this brouhaha about "tom's" page went out, there was a mad scramble to get to his contacts. some japanese fans even migrated from myspace to facebook. i saw a few of my cebuana friends among them. and norman alcala accepted friends left and right even if i already gave him a background check of every head. and everybody became "tom" and norman's friends. wow.
---here are some of the posts lifted from "tom cully's" page. unfortunately, i already deleted norman's account on mine today..
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
**Tom Cully has been busy. Sam's birthday today, so going out. Can't wait for the weekend!
Tuesday at 5:49pm · Comment · Like
**Tom Cully Good morning! Just wanted to share something I overheard on the way to class this morning. "Seize the moment. Think of all those people on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart." So true innit?
October 7 at 4:52pm · Comment · Unlike
**Tom Cully What a day. Can't wait to lie down and get some shuteye. Songs are almost done, so please bear with me a little bit longer.
October 7 at 7:23am · Comment · Like
**Tom Cully G'mornin! Just got back from footy, Crystal Palace owned! Now time to get back to work on those songs.
October 2 at 6:16pm · Comment · Like
**Norman Alcala Tom! I'm calling you on Skype right now. I heard a nasty rumor about an "incident" that happened the last time you were here on tour with Libera. Tsk, tsk.
October 2 at 8:11am · Comment · Like
**Norman Alcala Hey, you there? I may be sick but we have a lot to do.
September 30 at 2:43am · Comment · LikeUnlike · View Feedback (10)Hide Feedback (10)
4 people like this.
Tom Cully your effin mental! i just got home, lemme lay about for a while, im tired.
September 30 at 2:44am · LikeUnlike
Norman Alcala Okay fine, but as soon as you're rested, get off your arse and help me! I can't figure out how to post music in MySpace.
September 30 at 2:51am · LikeUnlike
Tom Cully so you opened up a myspace page even tho you griped about it when i called you up earlier today. ill teach you after i take a bath, i stink like cod.
September 30 at 2:55am · LikeUnlike
Norman Alcala Cool! Josh and Michael going to be online tonight?
September 30 at 2:58am · LikeUnlike
Tom Cully probably after dinner
September 30 at 3:02am · LikeUnlike
Norman Alcala Okay sure. Never mind about the MySpace thing, I figured it out on my own. Check it later then.
September 30 at 3:05am · LikeUnlike · 6 people
**Tom Cully stop the poking! dont you know that if you poke someone in fb a mole grows on josh's face? be kind to joshy woshy, so no more poking.
September 27 at 3:49am · Comment · Like
**Josh Madine You need to stay after church service today Tom-Tom. Rob wants to talk to you. I think its important. I suggest you come early. I'm just about to leave the house. See you there!
September 26 at 1:49pm · Comment · Unlike
---i really can't understand if these posts are real or were they also lifted from the real tom (or josh) pages. well, except the ones that belong to norman. only one thing is clear, much as we don't want to admit it - they're fakes.
---it breaks my heart to know we were all duped by norman alcala. i think i might be one of the oldest among the fans to be so stupid to have believed in everything he said and posted. in my excitement to have been in contact with the boys, i informed 6 of my closest libera friends to request them to add "tom" and eventually joshua madine because according to norman, joshua will open his facebook account upon the prodding of "tom". we all rushed to make a request to josh.
TO LIBERA: may i extend our sincere apology for what a filipino fan has done to tom cully and the rest of the boys (joshua, daniel, michael H., and stefan). we know how private individuals these boys are but out of our love and excitement to interact with them, we played along with one crazy individual by the name of norman alcala. it is really a shame for us fans how one person can lead us to believe the impossible. again, our apologies.
TO LIBERA: may i extend our sincere apology for what a filipino fan has done to tom cully and the rest of the boys (joshua, daniel, michael H., and stefan). we know how private individuals these boys are but out of our love and excitement to interact with them, we played along with one crazy individual by the name of norman alcala. it is really a shame for us fans how one person can lead us to believe the impossible. again, our apologies.
...the robe...
---during the course of this 2-week brouhahah over norman, "tom" and us fans, we had differences and conflicts in opinions. among the really excited fans quite visible 24/7 on norman and "tom's" wall were tom abraham and jenna decker. they had positive comments for norman and the non-stop accolades for the duo. things got wild when lolo (grandpa) tom a. didn't see eye to eye with my other 2 friends. that made the 3 of us blocked by him and eventually we had to block a few others supporting him, and i decided to stop accepting friend requests, my small rift with another fan...chaos. all because we were near to worshipping norman and "tom".

---one morning of chat with norman sent him to his door, a package from "croydon". i asked him what the contents were. chocolates? goodies? and he was silent for a few minutes. and he said it was what "tom" has "promised" him. his "other libera robe". i warned him not to post anything concerning that "privilege". all libera fans will be drooling if he posts the news. he didn't listen to me....that post nailed him on all his lies....
---it was evident that norman was already running out of excuses. there was another scheduled "meet and greet" as orchestrated by "tom". in tom's words, there would be a "coup" of some sorts. everybody will be there - jonathan, sam, alex, mattie, ben and maybe liam can be convinced, too. it was excitement for everyone! what was supposed to be an ordinary convo will be a meet & greet on facebook. norman even requested the 3 of us to help him out. we were supposed to give support to the other boys while maybe the other half were interacting with the other fans. the
unexpected happened - no meet & greet because somebody tipped off management. hah, what a lame excuse!
---the 3 of us were already smelling some rotten lies among norman's chats. we tried him to join us on skype. but this time, surprisingly, "tom" was nowhere in sight - he wasn't on chat nor on his or norman's wall. we caught up with norman on skype. we wanted to hear his voice - his alibi was he was at his parents' house. no microphone available, connection sucks. oooookkkkaaayyyy! he was now defensive on some issues, like, "tom" wasn't in a good mood to talk, "tom" would be out of facebook for a while because he had to attend to his unfinished songs."tom" had this, had that, blah blah blah.... all i asked from him was produce "tom" for us to dispel rumors that he was a liar. up to the last minute, the 3 of us were still supporting norman. we believed, even if we were already starting to doubt.
---we were supposed to give him until this weekend to produce "tom" either on skype or a video call. chat on FB wasn't a good idea. then one morning, i was awakened by a call from my friend to go DZRH (this was our code for a skype conference). she chanced upon "tom" on fb chat and led him to go to her account on myspace. boom! she was able to track him --- and the connection led her to a place somewhere south, using digitel as the provider. early on, norman told us his connection was "digi-hell"...
---up until i'm writing this blog, i still can't believe how norman could have pulled such act. of making up those almost real conversations with the libera boys. of how he has gotten "tom's" robe which according to a source was quite unreal since all their robes were left in the church - or if they had one on hand, it was quite impossible to just give it away. and if someone would have that privilege, it must be the person who brought them here and to whom we owe so much for introducing libera to us, mr. roberto de ocampo. and not just an ordinary person who has high regard for himself, using other people for his own personal benefits, and playing with other people's emotions.

---one morning of chat with norman sent him to his door, a package from "croydon". i asked him what the contents were. chocolates? goodies? and he was silent for a few minutes. and he said it was what "tom" has "promised" him. his "other libera robe". i warned him not to post anything concerning that "privilege". all libera fans will be drooling if he posts the news. he didn't listen to me....that post nailed him on all his lies....
---it was evident that norman was already running out of excuses. there was another scheduled "meet and greet" as orchestrated by "tom". in tom's words, there would be a "coup" of some sorts. everybody will be there - jonathan, sam, alex, mattie, ben and maybe liam can be convinced, too. it was excitement for everyone! what was supposed to be an ordinary convo will be a meet & greet on facebook. norman even requested the 3 of us to help him out. we were supposed to give support to the other boys while maybe the other half were interacting with the other fans. the
unexpected happened - no meet & greet because somebody tipped off management. hah, what a lame excuse!
---the 3 of us were already smelling some rotten lies among norman's chats. we tried him to join us on skype. but this time, surprisingly, "tom" was nowhere in sight - he wasn't on chat nor on his or norman's wall. we caught up with norman on skype. we wanted to hear his voice - his alibi was he was at his parents' house. no microphone available, connection sucks. oooookkkkaaayyyy! he was now defensive on some issues, like, "tom" wasn't in a good mood to talk, "tom" would be out of facebook for a while because he had to attend to his unfinished songs."tom" had this, had that, blah blah blah.... all i asked from him was produce "tom" for us to dispel rumors that he was a liar. up to the last minute, the 3 of us were still supporting norman. we believed, even if we were already starting to doubt.
---we were supposed to give him until this weekend to produce "tom" either on skype or a video call. chat on FB wasn't a good idea. then one morning, i was awakened by a call from my friend to go DZRH (this was our code for a skype conference). she chanced upon "tom" on fb chat and led him to go to her account on myspace. boom! she was able to track him --- and the connection led her to a place somewhere south, using digitel as the provider. early on, norman told us his connection was "digi-hell"...
---up until i'm writing this blog, i still can't believe how norman could have pulled such act. of making up those almost real conversations with the libera boys. of how he has gotten "tom's" robe which according to a source was quite unreal since all their robes were left in the church - or if they had one on hand, it was quite impossible to just give it away. and if someone would have that privilege, it must be the person who brought them here and to whom we owe so much for introducing libera to us, mr. roberto de ocampo. and not just an ordinary person who has high regard for himself, using other people for his own personal benefits, and playing with other people's emotions.
the robe
...dizzy, dizzy, dizzy...
--- my "interaction" with the libera boys (tom cully, josh madine, daniel fontannaz, stefan leadbeater & michael horncastle) happened after sept. 23rd whereupon after ages of finding thomas cully, there he was - collaborating with a "filipino musician/composer by the name of norman alcala from san pedro laguna. i made a request to be friends of these 2 gentlemen in the hope that finally, i will have the chance to "talk" and communicate with even just one boy. but two, three, four already came as a bonus...and it did happen.
---we communicated through posts, either written down on norman or "tom's" wall. at one point, 3 or 4 boys were simultaneously "talking" to us. it was unbelievable!
---apparently, the "boys" were so impressed with norman's "works" that they brought it to st. philips, had robert prizeman hear it and immediately scheduled an audience with norman on facebook. wow! 'the' robert prizeman....but the anticipated sunday didn't go as planned. "prizeman" had excuses on the choir's forthcoming tour so he resheduled the meeting on a later date.
---three boys took part in our conversation (amazingly, they were still praises for norman's works/piano cover) . nothing serious, it was the typical conversation of young kids. we took part (my friend from the north), was properly acknowleged by madine, horncastle and fontannaz. the conversations didn't last long but it left so much memories and awe - again, it was too good to be true...
---here are some texts/posts taken from norman's page (apparently from tom c. & josh m.)
Norman Alcala Tom, received the file this morning. Sorry if it took me this long to reply. Man, it runs a bit too long, don't you think? 7:37 is a bit too long, I'm thinking we should ax the last melody and just fade it out. Tell me what you think after you get this, ok?
October 9 at 12:27pm · Comment · Like
Norman Alcala Received a package via courier today pastmarked "Croydon, United Kingdom". Thomas Aaron Cully! I told you not to send it, right? But you still did! I really don't know what to say, so listen and listen good. I'm just going to say it once.....THANK YOU! It's a little big, and the hood is HUGE! Actually, take off the hoo...d and it looks exactly like what we wear every Sunday at church. Whatever did you wear under these things. its like an oven!
See More
October 8 at 11:26am · Comment · Unlike
Josh Madine Still online, eh? Can't sleep, going to be real busy after school today. The soldier kit is wicked, but I don't like the night-shirts much. They ride up without you noticing!
October 6 at 8:08am · Comment · Like
Tom Cully Going to bed now. Remember, 8:00 PM tonight GMT, or you'll be sorry.....
October 5 at 7:39am · Comment · Like
Norman Alcala Josh was right all along, you're an ARSE! My ears are still ringing from this morning. Sorry about that Mrs. C! Won't happen again.....
October 3 at 11:34pm · Comment · Like
---the above posts didn't come from tom & josh. they were just the imaginary "conversations" of norman to himself....
---i had sleepless nights during the convos among these kids, sometimes finding me awake until the early hours of mornings because of the 7-hour difference. and "tom" would be online on the chat as early as 6 or 7 am. there was so much hype. my friend from the north was the most disappointed one. among us, she had interacted with "tom" for the longest time, even had his 8-yr old son interacted with "tom" on the chatbox.
---up until tonight as i write this blog, i still have lack of sleep from those 2 weeks of stupidity. anticipating "tom" going online, josh replying to my query, of how stefan addressed me as "auntie", and the pride of knowing each and every libera boy has already read my blog. sad, sad, sad. and these were all too good to be true....
***coming up "the robe"...
---we communicated through posts, either written down on norman or "tom's" wall. at one point, 3 or 4 boys were simultaneously "talking" to us. it was unbelievable!
---apparently, the "boys" were so impressed with norman's "works" that they brought it to st. philips, had robert prizeman hear it and immediately scheduled an audience with norman on facebook. wow! 'the' robert prizeman....but the anticipated sunday didn't go as planned. "prizeman" had excuses on the choir's forthcoming tour so he resheduled the meeting on a later date.
---three boys took part in our conversation (amazingly, they were still praises for norman's works/piano cover) . nothing serious, it was the typical conversation of young kids. we took part (my friend from the north), was properly acknowleged by madine, horncastle and fontannaz. the conversations didn't last long but it left so much memories and awe - again, it was too good to be true...
---here are some texts/posts taken from norman's page (apparently from tom c. & josh m.)
Norman Alcala Tom, received the file this morning. Sorry if it took me this long to reply. Man, it runs a bit too long, don't you think? 7:37 is a bit too long, I'm thinking we should ax the last melody and just fade it out. Tell me what you think after you get this, ok?
October 9 at 12:27pm · Comment · Like
Norman Alcala Received a package via courier today pastmarked "Croydon, United Kingdom". Thomas Aaron Cully! I told you not to send it, right? But you still did! I really don't know what to say, so listen and listen good. I'm just going to say it once.....THANK YOU! It's a little big, and the hood is HUGE! Actually, take off the hoo...d and it looks exactly like what we wear every Sunday at church. Whatever did you wear under these things. its like an oven!
See More
October 8 at 11:26am · Comment · Unlike
Josh Madine Still online, eh? Can't sleep, going to be real busy after school today. The soldier kit is wicked, but I don't like the night-shirts much. They ride up without you noticing!
October 6 at 8:08am · Comment · Like
Tom Cully Going to bed now. Remember, 8:00 PM tonight GMT, or you'll be sorry.....
October 5 at 7:39am · Comment · Like
Norman Alcala Josh was right all along, you're an ARSE! My ears are still ringing from this morning. Sorry about that Mrs. C! Won't happen again.....
October 3 at 11:34pm · Comment · Like
---the above posts didn't come from tom & josh. they were just the imaginary "conversations" of norman to himself....
---i had sleepless nights during the convos among these kids, sometimes finding me awake until the early hours of mornings because of the 7-hour difference. and "tom" would be online on the chat as early as 6 or 7 am. there was so much hype. my friend from the north was the most disappointed one. among us, she had interacted with "tom" for the longest time, even had his 8-yr old son interacted with "tom" on the chatbox.
---up until tonight as i write this blog, i still have lack of sleep from those 2 weeks of stupidity. anticipating "tom" going online, josh replying to my query, of how stefan addressed me as "auntie", and the pride of knowing each and every libera boy has already read my blog. sad, sad, sad. and these were all too good to be true....
***coming up "the robe"...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
....getting to know mike zhang
>>> i love writing. but i must admit i'm not a very good writer. i call my english "elementary english" because i figured it can easily be understood by a 5-yr. old kid. and one thing, i write on an "as is-where is" basis. i don't go in circles. and if i have the pictures to go with my writing, i include them to show to people who are kind enough to drop by my blog. and i thank my readers. i heard some find it funny, some are amused - some may be offended but that's how i present the facts. i don't want hypocrisy. no pretensions hence the heading "this is me"...
>>>i 'met' mr. zhang at libera 360. now i can't recall anymore if i was still a member of that site but i was able to access on the blogs. one that was written by him, nicely done. it was his love and appreciation for libera. we shared the same passion so i left a comment which he so kindly replied at. then he requested to be a friend on FB, which i accepted without reservations. i reckoned i'd be reading more of his blogs. then he popped up on the chatbox, introduced himself and somehow gave me a background about himself. he's young, passionate about music. played quite a few musical instruments - even gave a sample of his piano piece which was left incomplete. i prodded him to finish it as it was good, but that he didn't have a good piano.
>>>as a friend, i have started to recognize his talent for music. he has been a familiar name on FB - being a friend to messrs. A & B. he was always present on their "conversations" - on each and every conversations, maybe because he wanted to join on whatever projects they're into. and i don't really know if he's even allowed to join. i don't want to meddle although i inquired from mr. B if has officially joined them.
>>>he has always wanted to be "in". in our few chats he has confided that he can also contribute his talent with the duo. but it seems there was little attention given to him, but mr. A & B are accommodating, though. but in my opinion, he wanted attention - fast and quick... so i told him in one of our chats he is also talented like the two but perhaps they just don't need any help now. it's very hard to "squeeze" yourself in a project where you're not yet needed, even if you think there are lots you can contribute to that work. or there are also moments the duo do not need a third party because they feel there's no need to.
>>>as a parent, i know how it feels for a child to race to the top. it can either be a joy of succeeding or the anguish of failure. mr. zhang, you have always presented yourself as a talented musician. hold on to that talent. and with that, i hope you don't hurt other people's feelings because you want attention to get what you want in a flick of a finger. success and fame come unexpectedly. you have to work hard for it and not just ride on other people's popularity. there are lots of responsibilities, one of which is to stay humble and considerate to other people.
>>>you cut us out in our "big event" mornings back. what was supposed to be something big for us witches, you spoiled it. at my age, i was terribly embarrassed in front of our hosts that it was a good thing i thought of a good alibi for a quick exit. it was humiliating. it may not be big deal to "them" but it was for the 2 of us. you were not even involved in the conversation. there wasn't even an important conversation going on. but you made it appear that you were the "important" person that morning (that was early morning, our time). i felt bad, mr. zhang. i can't speak for my other friend but i went to bed with a frown. what was supposed to be a happy occasion for me, you ruined it by cutting us. our "hosts" were so gracious to have received us and politely bade us goodbye. i hope you should learn a lesson from them - on how to be gracious to receive people and polite on how to part from them.
>>>tonight, my friend told me to check on what you posted. an apology. i can always accept an apology since i'm already old enough to be your mom. i try as much to be considerate to people your age but sometimes too much consideration goes beyond the border of you being abusive and arrogant. you have referred to me as the "pesky" one. why? i don't even butt in your conversations! i don't even meddle with whatever the 3 of your are discussing about so why call me pesky? look to your left and right - there's a lady with whatever syndrome who's been bugging you and another old man who can't keep his mouth shut. so that's foul on my person, mr. zhang. i promised mr. B that as much as possible, i'd just be a spectator. and today, i went out of control and confronted you on his wall, which i deemed was wrong. now, i'm totally embarrassed to mr. B. and i feel bad and upset.
>>>for purposes of privacy to those concerned, i referred the duo here as mr. A
and B.
>>>i 'met' mr. zhang at libera 360. now i can't recall anymore if i was still a member of that site but i was able to access on the blogs. one that was written by him, nicely done. it was his love and appreciation for libera. we shared the same passion so i left a comment which he so kindly replied at. then he requested to be a friend on FB, which i accepted without reservations. i reckoned i'd be reading more of his blogs. then he popped up on the chatbox, introduced himself and somehow gave me a background about himself. he's young, passionate about music. played quite a few musical instruments - even gave a sample of his piano piece which was left incomplete. i prodded him to finish it as it was good, but that he didn't have a good piano.
>>>as a friend, i have started to recognize his talent for music. he has been a familiar name on FB - being a friend to messrs. A & B. he was always present on their "conversations" - on each and every conversations, maybe because he wanted to join on whatever projects they're into. and i don't really know if he's even allowed to join. i don't want to meddle although i inquired from mr. B if has officially joined them.
>>>he has always wanted to be "in". in our few chats he has confided that he can also contribute his talent with the duo. but it seems there was little attention given to him, but mr. A & B are accommodating, though. but in my opinion, he wanted attention - fast and quick... so i told him in one of our chats he is also talented like the two but perhaps they just don't need any help now. it's very hard to "squeeze" yourself in a project where you're not yet needed, even if you think there are lots you can contribute to that work. or there are also moments the duo do not need a third party because they feel there's no need to.
>>>as a parent, i know how it feels for a child to race to the top. it can either be a joy of succeeding or the anguish of failure. mr. zhang, you have always presented yourself as a talented musician. hold on to that talent. and with that, i hope you don't hurt other people's feelings because you want attention to get what you want in a flick of a finger. success and fame come unexpectedly. you have to work hard for it and not just ride on other people's popularity. there are lots of responsibilities, one of which is to stay humble and considerate to other people.
>>>you cut us out in our "big event" mornings back. what was supposed to be something big for us witches, you spoiled it. at my age, i was terribly embarrassed in front of our hosts that it was a good thing i thought of a good alibi for a quick exit. it was humiliating. it may not be big deal to "them" but it was for the 2 of us. you were not even involved in the conversation. there wasn't even an important conversation going on. but you made it appear that you were the "important" person that morning (that was early morning, our time). i felt bad, mr. zhang. i can't speak for my other friend but i went to bed with a frown. what was supposed to be a happy occasion for me, you ruined it by cutting us. our "hosts" were so gracious to have received us and politely bade us goodbye. i hope you should learn a lesson from them - on how to be gracious to receive people and polite on how to part from them.
>>>tonight, my friend told me to check on what you posted. an apology. i can always accept an apology since i'm already old enough to be your mom. i try as much to be considerate to people your age but sometimes too much consideration goes beyond the border of you being abusive and arrogant. you have referred to me as the "pesky" one. why? i don't even butt in your conversations! i don't even meddle with whatever the 3 of your are discussing about so why call me pesky? look to your left and right - there's a lady with whatever syndrome who's been bugging you and another old man who can't keep his mouth shut. so that's foul on my person, mr. zhang. i promised mr. B that as much as possible, i'd just be a spectator. and today, i went out of control and confronted you on his wall, which i deemed was wrong. now, i'm totally embarrassed to mr. B. and i feel bad and upset.
>>>for purposes of privacy to those concerned, i referred the duo here as mr. A
and B.
mike zhang
Thursday, October 7, 2010
...a pet blessing...

>>>ever been to a pet blessing? well, no big deal really, except those attending are the "holy dogs" of all sizes and shapes (and characters). we knew october was pet month, hence, there would usually be a mass followed by blessing of your household pets. well, years back, i saw on TV a pet blessing held at the malate church wherein all animals - of all kinds and breeds - dogs, cats, snakes, rabbits, hamsters, birds, iguanas, turtles, etc. were blessed after the holy mass.
>>>we had over 50 cats raised during the years so it was quite impossible to transport them to malate church. we would have wanted mooey & booey to be blessed, even my favorite orangecat, inkelboy. nevertheless, getting blessed wasn't a sure thing to make them obedient, kind and holy. but all of my cats, present and past were just as adorable and they were family to us.
>>>daughter informed us last minute that there was going to be a pet blessing at the eastwood mall oct. 3, a sunday at 5:30 pm. we had finn in mind since he has been coming with us and riding the car wasn't new to him. an opportunity, so we decided for a go show. i bundled up his "kit" consisting of water (placed in an airtight/leak proof container); his alpo kibbles, and some plastic bags for foo-foo. we arrived at eastwood just as the procession was about to begin. there in front was the image of St. Francis of Assisi. it was finn's first time to travel long distance (and to walk long distance, too). he created a scene when he stopped at the pedestrian crossing and rolled over, to my embarrassment. daughter had to apologize because cars halted and caused a small traffic. i literally had to drag/carry finn to get him to the other side of the road! no problem, though. the kids on the vehicles were quite amused with finn's antics and started waving at him.
>>>the procession was a killer! was that a death march for the dogs, owners and handlers!!! most of the dogs, esp the little ones (toy dogs, for that matter) had their tongues dangling in heat, fatigue and stress - the larger ones (huskies, shepherds, labradors) had their share of stress from the march, too. others were running in all directions, their cutee little booties straying away from their cutee paws. but my native dog (and the only native one in the pack) was the most behaved dog and we were just proud of him. he never showed hostility to anyone - dogs or humans. he just walked between my husband & daughter while i held on to his harness.
the long walk proved to be tiring for the dogs, esp to the smaller ones - they drank water as though there wasn't any tomorrow anymore. some snuggled on the plants along the side entrance of the mall - to cool down, maybe? finn had his share of the heat. he was panting like crazy - that was some exercise for his heavy body!

>>>after the mass we had this sort of "pledge of allegiance" to our pets. the thing that goes..."i (state your name), do hereby swear, to take good care of my pet (state name of pet).....and i just can't help but hug and kiss finn. for even without that portion of the event, finn has always been our baby, even treated him more like human and will do up to the time he'll serve us in his time.

>>>with his human papa carrying him up the stage where an improvised altar was placed, finn and human were blessed. and just like a behaved doggie, he was quiet and savored the moment of the evening breeze where he and other beloved
doggies (and cats) were lovingly remembered - and in honor of the patron saint of animals, St. Francis of Assisi.
*****it was great to see familiar faces from PAWS (phil. animal welfare society) where we got finn november of last year. finn was a shelter dog, having been rescued at the height of typhoon "ondoy" in the middle of laguna de bay. there was his mama charlene, handler john and vet, dr. almoro.

pet blessing
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
...meeting new friends... (two)
>>>as i was savoring every conversation on TAC's wall, i couldn't help but notice names like - t m a, m z, t a and of course EK. there's one name which i cannot write down as of this time since this person is on a very special project and i don't want to jeopardize this opportunity given to this person. however, my closeness to the above names led me to another surprising opportunity which nearly left me fell off my seat.
>>>as i was reading TAC'S and the rest of the gang's conversations, pop came the sunshine boy!!! oh my goodness, this was clearly a bonus because i didn't expect another libera star to join in. and i was touched because it dispelled rumors that the 2 were having some kind of a rivalry since their younger days and look where they are now - at TAC's place discussing one thing they both love - music. and they're friends! how nice. 2 libera stars in one deep conversation. now, i'm imagining the two to be singing "going home", hah hah
>>>kaye is from the north where the pine trees grow, the best ube halaya from the good shepherd and the best cinnamon bread from star cafe, the mesmerizing market, where i'm always left without extra money because i literally horde veggies, trinkets, even dish plants. i won't say you have the best SM because yours doesn't have aircon, beh! hah hah for whatever miracle the heavens bestowed on this woman, she is THIS CLOSE to TAC. or maybe both have good vibrations, with kaye not abusing TAC's kindness and generosity on whatever thing he wants to talk about. in short, there are no holds barred when the 2 starts conversing with each other. there is no major-major hypocrisy between the two. and i like that. and kaye, the good person she is, unselfishly shares TAC with me. just like EK. we're all cully fans.
>>>at one point in their conversations, i asked sunshine boy about his solo song which my husband insisted was irish (how can i keep from singing). and his reply to me was, it wasn't & that it was a christian hymn. and that i told him it was my message tone on my celfone, and he thanked me. as ever polite he is.. and i had to slap my face, pinched my skin if i was just dreaming because how in heaven's name was i interacting with the 2 stars of libera?? hah hah and it wasn't a dream at all!
>>>simmer down...... i always tell myself, no big deal. TAC's comment to me was taken away on yoodoomusic page. his "thank you xx" meant so much to me then. now, with the unselfish act of my angels from canada and baguio, here i am on cully's page.
>>>i wrote this blog not to flaunt or be proud of anything. i will forever be a fan. nothing is ever more precious than those pictures, autographs and an interaction with a person with so much talent for music. my opportunity to interact with these boys came at a time when i met new friends who also shared the same passion for libera music.
>>> tomorrow, i can be reading robert prizeman or andy winter's facebook posts? nah, that's already wishing for the stars & the moon! who knows.....
>>>as i was reading TAC'S and the rest of the gang's conversations, pop came the sunshine boy!!! oh my goodness, this was clearly a bonus because i didn't expect another libera star to join in. and i was touched because it dispelled rumors that the 2 were having some kind of a rivalry since their younger days and look where they are now - at TAC's place discussing one thing they both love - music. and they're friends! how nice. 2 libera stars in one deep conversation. now, i'm imagining the two to be singing "going home", hah hah
>>>kaye is from the north where the pine trees grow, the best ube halaya from the good shepherd and the best cinnamon bread from star cafe, the mesmerizing market, where i'm always left without extra money because i literally horde veggies, trinkets, even dish plants. i won't say you have the best SM because yours doesn't have aircon, beh! hah hah for whatever miracle the heavens bestowed on this woman, she is THIS CLOSE to TAC. or maybe both have good vibrations, with kaye not abusing TAC's kindness and generosity on whatever thing he wants to talk about. in short, there are no holds barred when the 2 starts conversing with each other. there is no major-major hypocrisy between the two. and i like that. and kaye, the good person she is, unselfishly shares TAC with me. just like EK. we're all cully fans.
>>>at one point in their conversations, i asked sunshine boy about his solo song which my husband insisted was irish (how can i keep from singing). and his reply to me was, it wasn't & that it was a christian hymn. and that i told him it was my message tone on my celfone, and he thanked me. as ever polite he is.. and i had to slap my face, pinched my skin if i was just dreaming because how in heaven's name was i interacting with the 2 stars of libera?? hah hah and it wasn't a dream at all!
>>>simmer down...... i always tell myself, no big deal. TAC's comment to me was taken away on yoodoomusic page. his "thank you xx" meant so much to me then. now, with the unselfish act of my angels from canada and baguio, here i am on cully's page.
>>>i wrote this blog not to flaunt or be proud of anything. i will forever be a fan. nothing is ever more precious than those pictures, autographs and an interaction with a person with so much talent for music. my opportunity to interact with these boys came at a time when i met new friends who also shared the same passion for libera music.
>>> tomorrow, i can be reading robert prizeman or andy winter's facebook posts? nah, that's already wishing for the stars & the moon! who knows.....
...patience is truly a virtue... (one)
>>>i've been wanting to start my blog after sept. 23rd but i was hesitant to do so. either this will yield good results or might plunge me back again to deep depression, or should i say, trouble.. it has been more than 3 months since my being a fan of libera has died down - after that squabble with the fanatics, i pondered & decided to lie low on libera matters for a while. my posts were empty, i did games to my heart's content. i set aside my libera CD and welcomed back andrea bocelli in the car (with a smirk on his face, i suppose). i wasn't the real me, something was missing - i miss those little voices hitting the high notes. i miss the white robes, i miss the DVD, i miss tom cully's "ave virgo"...i miss libera!
>>>so one morning i played "eternal". i almost choked listening to cully, horncastle, connery, madine so i said to myself i can't run from this group! they're hounding me with their voices! then later, i played leiden and there's the familiar "hello, i'm josh & we're called libera......" i was starting to become whole again. i told bocelli "sorry, andrea, you have to rest again, libera's back" (and i imagined the smirk on bocelli's face again, hi hi hi)..
>>>my third "angel" (let's call her the canadian angel), appeared in myspace. she sent me messages which i replied back. we were both thomas cully fans. we shared the same passion for libera music but tom c. was always on our top list. eventually, she showed up on my FB since i wasn't a regular myspace user. we hit it off rightaway. and now she's not just an angel, she has become a friend.
>>>in the course of our conversations, she offered me to check on 'the heart of libera' if i could request him to add me. i told her it has been depressing from way back since i was already blocked by this boy. and i've learned my lesson the hard way. i've been through hell & back trying to associate with heart of libera and all yielded negative results - i was blocked and even banned from a site where i found him. i cried buckets and ate dust & dirt - all because of this boy.
>>>with much prodding (and prayers from my end), the 23rd of sept. was a memorable date. canadian angel flooded my wall with messages that sent me to high heavens - heart of libera is now my friend on FB!!! i couldn't believe my eyes when i went to his page, his wall - it was him talking! it's the real him. the heart of libera was just a screen away from me, rather a click away from me. my husband shared with my happiness. he saw me during the dark times when he'd ask how was i doing with my libera friends and i would just reply with a dry "fine". and he noticed too the sudden change of CD in the car - bocelli was screaming his lungs out when it used to be libera, libera playing from the house to the mall.
>>>now i'm being myself again. and thanks to my canadian angel who shared her idol with me. she knew i was a fan. she knew the pain i went through and she understood how much i missed my idol. thank you, EK. just like my old friends at st. philips circle, i will value our friendship, all because of one music and one boy - thomas aaron cully...
i said "3rd" angel because my 1st angel is jon de castro - libera360 administrator/creator. jon has always understood my points of view and opinions no matter how hot & feisty i was at the 360 SB. he is now a friend on FB including mom, milagros and sister, koji.
my 2nd angel is joel andaya. joel was the main man's (roberto de ocampo) contact during libera's concert here last april. he worked so hard to sell tickets from fans from luzon, visayas and maybe mindanao to fill the seats of the RCBC auditorium. he met up with all of us to personally give our tickets (at one point even paying for them with his own money from his pocket). he gave my family good seats where he assured me i could clearly see josh's moles and hear stefan scream. i did, and it was the best times of my life!
and now my 3rd angel from canada, who unselfishly shared TAC with me.
>>>my thanks to these 3 wonderful "angels" which made me love libera more..
>>>so one morning i played "eternal". i almost choked listening to cully, horncastle, connery, madine so i said to myself i can't run from this group! they're hounding me with their voices! then later, i played leiden and there's the familiar "hello, i'm josh & we're called libera......" i was starting to become whole again. i told bocelli "sorry, andrea, you have to rest again, libera's back" (and i imagined the smirk on bocelli's face again, hi hi hi)..
>>>my third "angel" (let's call her the canadian angel), appeared in myspace. she sent me messages which i replied back. we were both thomas cully fans. we shared the same passion for libera music but tom c. was always on our top list. eventually, she showed up on my FB since i wasn't a regular myspace user. we hit it off rightaway. and now she's not just an angel, she has become a friend.
>>>in the course of our conversations, she offered me to check on 'the heart of libera' if i could request him to add me. i told her it has been depressing from way back since i was already blocked by this boy. and i've learned my lesson the hard way. i've been through hell & back trying to associate with heart of libera and all yielded negative results - i was blocked and even banned from a site where i found him. i cried buckets and ate dust & dirt - all because of this boy.
>>>with much prodding (and prayers from my end), the 23rd of sept. was a memorable date. canadian angel flooded my wall with messages that sent me to high heavens - heart of libera is now my friend on FB!!! i couldn't believe my eyes when i went to his page, his wall - it was him talking! it's the real him. the heart of libera was just a screen away from me, rather a click away from me. my husband shared with my happiness. he saw me during the dark times when he'd ask how was i doing with my libera friends and i would just reply with a dry "fine". and he noticed too the sudden change of CD in the car - bocelli was screaming his lungs out when it used to be libera, libera playing from the house to the mall.
>>>now i'm being myself again. and thanks to my canadian angel who shared her idol with me. she knew i was a fan. she knew the pain i went through and she understood how much i missed my idol. thank you, EK. just like my old friends at st. philips circle, i will value our friendship, all because of one music and one boy - thomas aaron cully...
i said "3rd" angel because my 1st angel is jon de castro - libera360 administrator/creator. jon has always understood my points of view and opinions no matter how hot & feisty i was at the 360 SB. he is now a friend on FB including mom, milagros and sister, koji.
my 2nd angel is joel andaya. joel was the main man's (roberto de ocampo) contact during libera's concert here last april. he worked so hard to sell tickets from fans from luzon, visayas and maybe mindanao to fill the seats of the RCBC auditorium. he met up with all of us to personally give our tickets (at one point even paying for them with his own money from his pocket). he gave my family good seats where he assured me i could clearly see josh's moles and hear stefan scream. i did, and it was the best times of my life!
and now my 3rd angel from canada, who unselfishly shared TAC with me.
>>>my thanks to these 3 wonderful "angels" which made me love libera more..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
....remembering tatot cadavos-nov. 2009-august 2010

---i'm not the "crying lady" type. i seldom cry on funerals but i cry uncontrollably watching love stories - or even suspense-thrillers, if there is a need to. i remember watching "somewhere in time" for the nth time, i could memorize each & every line & remember every scene, and as if on cue, i'd start crying on the part when the lead actress (jane seymour) went back in time, leaving superman (what's his name? reeves) and a towel flying, crashing on my face because hubby can't already stand my acting, errrr crying. same scenario when i watch "a love affair" starring annette bening & warren beatty. ay sus, this is one love story i really like!
---and today, i decided to log on earlier than my usual afternoon date with FB. i go over today's posts and it caught my attention to see this "in memory of dady tatot"...i thought about something, a father, a namesake of tatot or whatever - so i checked his page. indeed, it was tatot cadavos, dead at age 21. i became hysterical. i cried. i reached for my phone to start calling our small group of libera fans - chix abellanosa, romina enopia, eric pazziuagan, doris solidum and riel sacop. chix wasn't answering my fone and i assumed she was in class. romina's fone had a recording saying it was unattended. eric answered my call, somehow i was relieved but he had to cut me as he was on duty (him being a nurse). romina finally went online and so did doris.
---tatot was a libera fan. i cannot recall now where and how we met but we became friends instantly. we shared pictures, exchanged messages on our FB walls, chatted a few times. our friendship even went as far as exchanging celfone numbers. he was the "quiet" one. he won't participate in our discussions concerning libera but would drop a line or two on our st. phillips chatboard just to say hello. sometimes he'd comment privately on my FB chatbox but this was on one or two occasions only. i could not even recall now how we started discussing about his illness but i think he was inquiring from eric something about an artificial leg - now, i remember. and that i didn't want to pressure him about telling me if it was not okay with him - i thought he lost his leg in an accident or something. so he went on telling me how it started and how he won his battle against the disease. and i remember telling him he was a "cancer survivor" and he liked that term - survivor...
---christmas was approaching and my liking to tatot grew considerably. and i wanted to give him a gift for christmas - never mind if it was in far southern leyte. and i did. he was so thankful, even took a picture of himself wearing the shirt (this pic in my FB profile). i wanted to send him an angel but sent the package in haste to avoid the x'mas rush.
---my last interaction with tatot was before the elections. i think we shared the same candidate. oh, even before that, i texted him and asked him why he didn't text me while he was here in manila so we could meet up. i browsed over his pictures at enchanted kingdom. even told him libera was here and that he missed their M & G and concert. well, his reply was just mine to keep.
---i'll miss you, tatot. you're one brave person and despite the pain and the sacrifices you've gone through, you still manage to give us your smile. thank you for being a friend, more like a son to me. go with God now, rest in peace young man.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
how FB is slowly taking over my time, my life....
---as i write this tonight,i still have one pot to wash and a rice cooker to clean up. i still haven't brushed my teeth. my dog, finn, wants to play "who's the boss around here" but have opted to just lay beside me, maybe patiently waiting when i'll finish typing - errrr, that would be an hour and a half before hubby comes home from work (hopefully, i could find time to brush my teeth in between).
---i wouldn't say much about how i came to know about facebook, but it was upon the invitation of my 'kumare' andromeda alayu-roberts (she was actually my first friend to appear among my contacts); secondly, my daughter recommended facebook since friendster was already a dying breed then. although i was still hooked on friendster, even wrote several blogs there - whatever i felt i needed to write, it was all written down there. i also kept numerous pics - from mhelai's baccalaureate mass and graduation rites. to sum it up, friendster was my "friend" even if they say it was already passe. and so with a heavy heart, i moved on to facebook. it was back to square one, a new learning process, very much different from friendster. but i was getting the hang of it. i felt i'd also be more at home with it and maybe find new friends, old friends, relatives, relationships (hi hi hi) or maybe personalities/celebrities. and i think i made the right choice.
---i met old friends from friendster, leigh casambros, siege & cristy malvar, olive ochoa and a lot of mhelai's HS & college friends. i have discovered old relations from my childhood years. then came the games. this, friendster didn't have - i was hooked on cafe world! i felt there was a need for me and the notebook to be always together so my dishes won't get spoiled! so lilli had to be with me most of the time at the malls - thank goodness SM has a prestige lounge where i can comfortably "cook" and "serve" my dishes. there was never - and i mean never a day when i didn't log in to FB. i needed to check who's there, what posts are interesting so i can make comments, who's online, check my cafe world, check my pet society, check my private messages. it was addicting!!! FB was always on top of my list!!
---then came my interaction with LIBERA. my contacts suddenly added to a surprising 3 to 110! but i didn't have any regrets about this because i made friends through this choirboys from south london. and not only through the internet - we met, personally! chix abellanosa, romina enopia, riel sacop, doris solidum, joel andaya, jon de castro, eric pazziuagan, mitch young. in short, these strangers became a family to me. to this day, even if some of us went through rough waters because of different opinions and views concerning libera, i still treasure their friendship no matter how short it was & even some of the names i mentioned are not in my contacts anymore. but still we all met on FB.
---facebook brought joys and sorrows. i made friends with some, hurt the feelings of a few. i also had my share of frustrations from some whom i thought were my friends. and so i made the decision of subtracting quite a number of those pretending to be my facebook friends. but still it was interesting to read the highs and the lows of people (mine included). whatever it was that was interesting for that day, it's all documented. countless frustrations, loneliness, depressions, there was always something to share. even pets are not spared. there is a section where interaction among pets are shared.
---so why did i say FB is taking over my life? because i literally "breathe" it. i can't disconnect from it. it's like taking away something that's so important that once it's all gone, there's no way you can get it back. my new-found friend, estella kim from canada, has told me she'd "unplug" from the technology of computers for the time being. hats off to her if she can withstand days or months away from her computer, away from facebook. i can't. one day of not being able to log in sends a different sensation - it's like a feeling of withdrawal from your last cigarette.
---and so it's facebook after breakfast through lunch. FB again in the afternoon through midnight. i wished i was being paid for this, hah hah. everyday is a new adventure on facebook. there is always something new to look forward to, something good to share with friends (and strangers), something to sell, something to talk about, fight about. recently, a libera fan and a friend from bacolod has told me he has found his "love" through libera and facebook. that's nice.. i have made friends myself from malaysia, indonesia, united kingdom, united states and italy. and after this blog? it's back to my favorite games on mindjolt!!
P.S. i was successful in brushing my teeth, cleaning the rice cooker and washing the pot. finn has decided to just sleep on this rainy thursday, rather friday morning (12:15am).. i love you, FB....
---i wouldn't say much about how i came to know about facebook, but it was upon the invitation of my 'kumare' andromeda alayu-roberts (she was actually my first friend to appear among my contacts); secondly, my daughter recommended facebook since friendster was already a dying breed then. although i was still hooked on friendster, even wrote several blogs there - whatever i felt i needed to write, it was all written down there. i also kept numerous pics - from mhelai's baccalaureate mass and graduation rites. to sum it up, friendster was my "friend" even if they say it was already passe. and so with a heavy heart, i moved on to facebook. it was back to square one, a new learning process, very much different from friendster. but i was getting the hang of it. i felt i'd also be more at home with it and maybe find new friends, old friends, relatives, relationships (hi hi hi) or maybe personalities/celebrities. and i think i made the right choice.
---i met old friends from friendster, leigh casambros, siege & cristy malvar, olive ochoa and a lot of mhelai's HS & college friends. i have discovered old relations from my childhood years. then came the games. this, friendster didn't have - i was hooked on cafe world! i felt there was a need for me and the notebook to be always together so my dishes won't get spoiled! so lilli had to be with me most of the time at the malls - thank goodness SM has a prestige lounge where i can comfortably "cook" and "serve" my dishes. there was never - and i mean never a day when i didn't log in to FB. i needed to check who's there, what posts are interesting so i can make comments, who's online, check my cafe world, check my pet society, check my private messages. it was addicting!!! FB was always on top of my list!!
---then came my interaction with LIBERA. my contacts suddenly added to a surprising 3 to 110! but i didn't have any regrets about this because i made friends through this choirboys from south london. and not only through the internet - we met, personally! chix abellanosa, romina enopia, riel sacop, doris solidum, joel andaya, jon de castro, eric pazziuagan, mitch young. in short, these strangers became a family to me. to this day, even if some of us went through rough waters because of different opinions and views concerning libera, i still treasure their friendship no matter how short it was & even some of the names i mentioned are not in my contacts anymore. but still we all met on FB.
---facebook brought joys and sorrows. i made friends with some, hurt the feelings of a few. i also had my share of frustrations from some whom i thought were my friends. and so i made the decision of subtracting quite a number of those pretending to be my facebook friends. but still it was interesting to read the highs and the lows of people (mine included). whatever it was that was interesting for that day, it's all documented. countless frustrations, loneliness, depressions, there was always something to share. even pets are not spared. there is a section where interaction among pets are shared.
---so why did i say FB is taking over my life? because i literally "breathe" it. i can't disconnect from it. it's like taking away something that's so important that once it's all gone, there's no way you can get it back. my new-found friend, estella kim from canada, has told me she'd "unplug" from the technology of computers for the time being. hats off to her if she can withstand days or months away from her computer, away from facebook. i can't. one day of not being able to log in sends a different sensation - it's like a feeling of withdrawal from your last cigarette.
---and so it's facebook after breakfast through lunch. FB again in the afternoon through midnight. i wished i was being paid for this, hah hah. everyday is a new adventure on facebook. there is always something new to look forward to, something good to share with friends (and strangers), something to sell, something to talk about, fight about. recently, a libera fan and a friend from bacolod has told me he has found his "love" through libera and facebook. that's nice.. i have made friends myself from malaysia, indonesia, united kingdom, united states and italy. and after this blog? it's back to my favorite games on mindjolt!!
P.S. i was successful in brushing my teeth, cleaning the rice cooker and washing the pot. finn has decided to just sleep on this rainy thursday, rather friday morning (12:15am).. i love you, FB....
Friday, July 9, 2010
...may this soul burn in hell....
---every once in a while we have our sisters, brothers, friends, wives, husbands, BFF (best friends forever) or even a kind-hearted soul out in the streets to confide our deepest secrets with. this is normal esp in our younger years when we confide our "crushes" or "secret loves" to our best friend. i cannot recall now who i confided my secrets with but i had one favorite niece who became my partner in doing character assasinations. and i also recall a good friend who is now in toronto, canada whom i trusted confiding my personal secrets/problems & character assasination, as well. i missed both of them. the character assasination part was fun - i dare anyone who has not been doing this in her entire life!
---character assasination or in other linggo 'pang o-ok-ray" sa kapwa is done discreetly. you don't do this openly, less it will spark a nasty relationship esp when it's done among your friends or relatives. and this is the main point of my blog.
---when husband got back from australia, it took sometime before he got this job at bangko sentral (BSP) to work as a staff with a monetary board member. a wife of his cousin works at the library section of the bank. this woman (let's call her "lucy") doesn't have a good reputation in human relations. she looks down upon a number of people around her. she looks down on all the relatives of her husband, her mother-in-law included). husband has already warned me in befriending lucy since he has already known her from adam & the wicked character she has. but i didn't listen. and to this day, i regretted why for the first time, i defied my husband's warning in exchange for friendship with lucy.
---wow, we hit it off rightaway. we would exchange phone calls & text messages, hi's and hello's until bitchy as both we were, our conversations eventually touched on the lives of relatives - the guzmans & banataos. at first, they were honest opinions and views about the lives of these people. then our opinions turned to mockery and eventually we were already doing character assasination on each and every relative, rich & poor.... take note, i said "we" because i'm not a hypocrite in admitting my part of the game while towards the end this SHIT OF A WOMAN just pinned on me saying those things about them. i really don't know why she kept my text messages and maliciously showed them to the persons concerned. and she kept denying saying it was "accidental"? wow, how can you be so stupid showing and sharing private messages to people involved in what was supposed to be a discreet conversation between only 2 persons? up until today it still puzzles me. what was her motive? if only to destroy me to my husband's relatives? why? what will she benefit? what will i benefit? oh yes, i know now. i was made to appear as the wicked one.
---and to you - yes, YOU! you know who you are. you succeeded in destroying my reputation to the guzmans & banataos. and how about your part of the story. do these people know what were also your exact nasty words towards them? shame on you! you were saying a mouthful against the banataos - esp those in the US and yet you have the nerve to step inside their mansion in america (those were your words) and mingle and show your angelic face to them! mahiya ka naman sa kaluluwa mo!!! ting & i and my daughter, perhaps will never have that opportunity to step inside that mansion so i have nothing to say about it. you also talked about their riches, about how ugly they are and endless blah-blahs about their richness. you talk about how these people had their noses and faces done. shame on you for being chummy-chummy with yvonne and yet you stab her behind her back.
---i have kept my silence for so many years. cried buckets and stomach the shame, insults and dagger looks of the guzmans and banataos. and now that i have experienced the same during the wake & burial of my mother-in-law and i finally concluded there is no more light & hope for my sister-in-law to patch things up again. and so i'm opening up old wounds again because when i saw you again during the wake and burial, i wanted to kill you 10 times over if only to redeem myself.
---i have been kind to mama while you never even laid your eyes on auntie paro; i spoon-fed mama when she was hospitalized while you never even handed your mother-in-law a glass of water; i had happy memories with the relatives of my husband while you only bragged about your money to them so you can always be there when needed - for the love of money. and shame on you if you can show your face to your husband's relatives in cagayan if it's your mother-in-law's time - oh you will, because you have your money, anyway.
---your reputation in your office speaks highly of your character. you're bossy, arrogant and a bitch in the highest form. and for what you have done to me and the others whom you've looked down upon, your actions are unforgivable. i can always be right, go get yourself another name because you don't have the HEART of a kind person.
---character assasination or in other linggo 'pang o-ok-ray" sa kapwa is done discreetly. you don't do this openly, less it will spark a nasty relationship esp when it's done among your friends or relatives. and this is the main point of my blog.
---when husband got back from australia, it took sometime before he got this job at bangko sentral (BSP) to work as a staff with a monetary board member. a wife of his cousin works at the library section of the bank. this woman (let's call her "lucy") doesn't have a good reputation in human relations. she looks down upon a number of people around her. she looks down on all the relatives of her husband, her mother-in-law included). husband has already warned me in befriending lucy since he has already known her from adam & the wicked character she has. but i didn't listen. and to this day, i regretted why for the first time, i defied my husband's warning in exchange for friendship with lucy.
---wow, we hit it off rightaway. we would exchange phone calls & text messages, hi's and hello's until bitchy as both we were, our conversations eventually touched on the lives of relatives - the guzmans & banataos. at first, they were honest opinions and views about the lives of these people. then our opinions turned to mockery and eventually we were already doing character assasination on each and every relative, rich & poor.... take note, i said "we" because i'm not a hypocrite in admitting my part of the game while towards the end this SHIT OF A WOMAN just pinned on me saying those things about them. i really don't know why she kept my text messages and maliciously showed them to the persons concerned. and she kept denying saying it was "accidental"? wow, how can you be so stupid showing and sharing private messages to people involved in what was supposed to be a discreet conversation between only 2 persons? up until today it still puzzles me. what was her motive? if only to destroy me to my husband's relatives? why? what will she benefit? what will i benefit? oh yes, i know now. i was made to appear as the wicked one.
---and to you - yes, YOU! you know who you are. you succeeded in destroying my reputation to the guzmans & banataos. and how about your part of the story. do these people know what were also your exact nasty words towards them? shame on you! you were saying a mouthful against the banataos - esp those in the US and yet you have the nerve to step inside their mansion in america (those were your words) and mingle and show your angelic face to them! mahiya ka naman sa kaluluwa mo!!! ting & i and my daughter, perhaps will never have that opportunity to step inside that mansion so i have nothing to say about it. you also talked about their riches, about how ugly they are and endless blah-blahs about their richness. you talk about how these people had their noses and faces done. shame on you for being chummy-chummy with yvonne and yet you stab her behind her back.
---i have kept my silence for so many years. cried buckets and stomach the shame, insults and dagger looks of the guzmans and banataos. and now that i have experienced the same during the wake & burial of my mother-in-law and i finally concluded there is no more light & hope for my sister-in-law to patch things up again. and so i'm opening up old wounds again because when i saw you again during the wake and burial, i wanted to kill you 10 times over if only to redeem myself.
---i have been kind to mama while you never even laid your eyes on auntie paro; i spoon-fed mama when she was hospitalized while you never even handed your mother-in-law a glass of water; i had happy memories with the relatives of my husband while you only bragged about your money to them so you can always be there when needed - for the love of money. and shame on you if you can show your face to your husband's relatives in cagayan if it's your mother-in-law's time - oh you will, because you have your money, anyway.
---your reputation in your office speaks highly of your character. you're bossy, arrogant and a bitch in the highest form. and for what you have done to me and the others whom you've looked down upon, your actions are unforgivable. i can always be right, go get yourself another name because you don't have the HEART of a kind person.
a showcase of personalities, statuses, cars & hypocrisies...
---i will not elaborate further my relationship with the relatives of my husband as i have already written quite a few unpleasant experiences with them in my first blog (about the death of my mother-in-law). detailing each & every experience will make me more look like a sore loser to the point of sulking & asking for self-pity.
---i had only 2 occasions to go visit her wake, and it was not so good as this relative (ann) made me an 'unwelcomed' guest so i was forced to stay outside the chapel and thereby left after only about a half hour's visit. add to that, my sister-in-law wasn't really interested in accepting me back as a member of the family inasmuch as i wanted to do my share as a daughter-in-law/sister-in-law, i felt that i already had no business & contribute something to the wake.
---there were unending discussions and tears here at home if i would go & attend the funeral. husband left me with the decision & did not argue nor gave in to pressure. he left it all up to me. i never made it hard for him. inasmuch as i really did not want to show up, i knew in his heart that i'd be doing him a big favor attending his mother's funeral, after all he is the "bunso" or the youngest.
---yesterday, the 8th, the 3 of us (husband, me & carmela) attended. mass was officiated by fr. engelberto guzman-gammad who flew all the way from san jose, calif. it was a showcase of how life has been lucky for those who arrived in well-polished vehicles, a relative sporting blonde hair who did all the works on her face (& i remember her to be pretty & charming years back. ah, see what money can do). then the "cream of the crop" came. he is my m-i-l's favorite nephew, being one of america's top contributor to information technology. he was said to have been in a meeting with our newly appointed president before he came for the funeral. but in due fairness, this family has been so good to us. i remember their parents (the father being my m-i-l's brother) has been extremely generous even before carmela was born. we will never forget the kindness & generosity of the banataos. our relations just had a strain because of some nossy relatives who didn't want to see harmony among us.
---ann has a twin sister (malou) who, just months back announced to the entire barangay roxas that she won a car in a raffle. as wicked as her twin, she instantly paraded her toyota-vios in front of the house - checking on it every single minute & even made a side remark that she has to leave due to an impending rain & she didn't want her beloved vios to get stuck in a flood. say what? it was just a rainshower & not a repeat of typhoon ondoy! in ilocano linggo, we call it "ag-bibisin" meaning one who hungered for something for a very long time. in fact, we see her now as if she has already started to idolize her car! oh brother!!!! before winning that car, when she'd come here to visit her twin (ann), she would come in quietly, with umbrella on hand, perspiring profusely. and now that she has her vios, well....
---yesterday, while waiting for the mass to start, i was seated outside over the rented tent and was chatting with a favorite relative (pacquing guzman). came the personalities in their shimmering-splendid 4-wheeled vehicles. they are the rich and royalties. we are the "in-betweens" living modestly, & came with our reliable 1997 model & ever-dependable "pogi". the others came in old models and rusty vans. i thought i'd still see a hired bus but thank goodness all the people fit in each other's 4-wheeled vehicles.
---the mass went on smoothly. fr. toto alternately said his mass in english, spanish & itawis. his homily was touching (touching for the others but not exactly for me). there was still sheer hypocrisy to what he said but let's give it for the dead. that was to be the last spoken for her so... during the offertory, there were 5 persons tasked to offer: vincho (candles); carmela (flowers); mitos (chalice); vivian (wine) and the vios woman (hosts). wow, what a sight! vios woman wanted to go first, ahead of carmela and this clearly showed (if i had a camera with me) that she shoved carmela so she could go first, whah!!! good thing, husband (who was the lector) saw this and motioned her to let carmela go first. strike one.
---start of the funeral cortege, all 4 siblings rode in one vehicle, as the saying goes. and they were supposed to be behind the hearse. one vehicle followed (that was supposed to be car no. 2 whom i supposed carried sister-in-law's family), so i gave due respect and stayed close as car no. 3. whoa! horror of all horrors, vios suddenly appeared and followed car no. 1!!! WTF! so now, i concluded the wicked twin was just parading her beloved vios, wanting to be first in line, never mind if she breaks protocol & respect from the other "IMMEDIATE" family members. strike two.
---there was the usual rites before the burial but i chose remain distant. i looked at all their faces. i know some were whispering why me, as the daughter-in-law did not even come forward to pay my last respect. this thing has to be settled by me & my m-i-l in private. i don't need an audience to say how sorry i am for my shortcomings, i don't need people to comment on how loud my wailing was even if it was fake, i don't need to show off because it's not my style. and lastly, i know where my family stand. i don't need to brag about anything to those relatives, rich or poor because i value sincerity. at first we all hit off right away - i remember how the people in iguig received us warmly during our few occasional visits in cagayan. yesterday, it was like meeting them again for the firt time.
---i hope my m-i-l, wherever she is now will certainly somehow appreciate how good a daughter-in-law i was before our relationship strained until we stopped talking & seeing each other up until she passed away. i was a good wife to her son, raised my daughter to be a good person & never brought shame to the guzmans. i hope she rests in peace now & let us, the living go on with our lives.
---i had only 2 occasions to go visit her wake, and it was not so good as this relative (ann) made me an 'unwelcomed' guest so i was forced to stay outside the chapel and thereby left after only about a half hour's visit. add to that, my sister-in-law wasn't really interested in accepting me back as a member of the family inasmuch as i wanted to do my share as a daughter-in-law/sister-in-law, i felt that i already had no business & contribute something to the wake.
---there were unending discussions and tears here at home if i would go & attend the funeral. husband left me with the decision & did not argue nor gave in to pressure. he left it all up to me. i never made it hard for him. inasmuch as i really did not want to show up, i knew in his heart that i'd be doing him a big favor attending his mother's funeral, after all he is the "bunso" or the youngest.
---yesterday, the 8th, the 3 of us (husband, me & carmela) attended. mass was officiated by fr. engelberto guzman-gammad who flew all the way from san jose, calif. it was a showcase of how life has been lucky for those who arrived in well-polished vehicles, a relative sporting blonde hair who did all the works on her face (& i remember her to be pretty & charming years back. ah, see what money can do). then the "cream of the crop" came. he is my m-i-l's favorite nephew, being one of america's top contributor to information technology. he was said to have been in a meeting with our newly appointed president before he came for the funeral. but in due fairness, this family has been so good to us. i remember their parents (the father being my m-i-l's brother) has been extremely generous even before carmela was born. we will never forget the kindness & generosity of the banataos. our relations just had a strain because of some nossy relatives who didn't want to see harmony among us.
---ann has a twin sister (malou) who, just months back announced to the entire barangay roxas that she won a car in a raffle. as wicked as her twin, she instantly paraded her toyota-vios in front of the house - checking on it every single minute & even made a side remark that she has to leave due to an impending rain & she didn't want her beloved vios to get stuck in a flood. say what? it was just a rainshower & not a repeat of typhoon ondoy! in ilocano linggo, we call it "ag-bibisin" meaning one who hungered for something for a very long time. in fact, we see her now as if she has already started to idolize her car! oh brother!!!! before winning that car, when she'd come here to visit her twin (ann), she would come in quietly, with umbrella on hand, perspiring profusely. and now that she has her vios, well....
---yesterday, while waiting for the mass to start, i was seated outside over the rented tent and was chatting with a favorite relative (pacquing guzman). came the personalities in their shimmering-splendid 4-wheeled vehicles. they are the rich and royalties. we are the "in-betweens" living modestly, & came with our reliable 1997 model & ever-dependable "pogi". the others came in old models and rusty vans. i thought i'd still see a hired bus but thank goodness all the people fit in each other's 4-wheeled vehicles.
---the mass went on smoothly. fr. toto alternately said his mass in english, spanish & itawis. his homily was touching (touching for the others but not exactly for me). there was still sheer hypocrisy to what he said but let's give it for the dead. that was to be the last spoken for her so... during the offertory, there were 5 persons tasked to offer: vincho (candles); carmela (flowers); mitos (chalice); vivian (wine) and the vios woman (hosts). wow, what a sight! vios woman wanted to go first, ahead of carmela and this clearly showed (if i had a camera with me) that she shoved carmela so she could go first, whah!!! good thing, husband (who was the lector) saw this and motioned her to let carmela go first. strike one.
---start of the funeral cortege, all 4 siblings rode in one vehicle, as the saying goes. and they were supposed to be behind the hearse. one vehicle followed (that was supposed to be car no. 2 whom i supposed carried sister-in-law's family), so i gave due respect and stayed close as car no. 3. whoa! horror of all horrors, vios suddenly appeared and followed car no. 1!!! WTF! so now, i concluded the wicked twin was just parading her beloved vios, wanting to be first in line, never mind if she breaks protocol & respect from the other "IMMEDIATE" family members. strike two.
---there was the usual rites before the burial but i chose remain distant. i looked at all their faces. i know some were whispering why me, as the daughter-in-law did not even come forward to pay my last respect. this thing has to be settled by me & my m-i-l in private. i don't need an audience to say how sorry i am for my shortcomings, i don't need people to comment on how loud my wailing was even if it was fake, i don't need to show off because it's not my style. and lastly, i know where my family stand. i don't need to brag about anything to those relatives, rich or poor because i value sincerity. at first we all hit off right away - i remember how the people in iguig received us warmly during our few occasional visits in cagayan. yesterday, it was like meeting them again for the firt time.
---i hope my m-i-l, wherever she is now will certainly somehow appreciate how good a daughter-in-law i was before our relationship strained until we stopped talking & seeing each other up until she passed away. i was a good wife to her son, raised my daughter to be a good person & never brought shame to the guzmans. i hope she rests in peace now & let us, the living go on with our lives.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
my mother-in-law...may she rest in peace.
---i haven't been on speaking (nor looking) terms with my mother-in-law for years now. i've lost count already but i can hear her voice since she lives just a few meters from where i am. i'm not the perfect daughter-in-law, nor is she the most lovable mother-in-law. as the saying goes, rarely does a daughter-in-law have that good relationship with her in-laws. mine was sweet in the beginning until it turned to a bittersweet relationship which eventually turned sour until her death last july 1st. but up until my father-in-law passed away in 1997, my relationship with both of them were warm, save for the efforts i did for my father-in-law at a time his death was met with a strong typhoon which rendered manila with blackout for weeks. since my husband is the poorest among 3 children (two are residing abroad), i thought it deemed & necessary to contribute physically than monetary. i did errands during his wake, served guests during the 9th day wake, accompanied my mother-in-law to fix her late husband's social security - all these i did, wholeheartedly (with pangs of hunger in between).
---i will not write down the details of my domestic life but the main issue here directed to me was the fact that my parents-in-law were so kind to have already given us the title of the 4-door apartment in the form of a donation. this was given to me as a birthday gift before i gave birth to my daughter carmela in 1986.
ergo, in the eyes of my husband's relatives "you were given a property, so you have to be "nice" and "serve" your mother-in-law, no matter cost it will take. bottomline is - i have to be nice, kind, sweet, - i have to be a puppet - all because of this property that was given to me. weh!
---in the years that follow, relatives took care of m-i-l but were properly compensated by my sister-in-law in spain. i took the role of a "chorus line", i was there only if needed. but the nossy relatives could not take this. either i take the role of a "slave-servant" or they will 'benefit' from whatever will be left by my mother-in-law.
---one of these relatives, maryann gante(on the guzman side), a widow with 3 kids just came and volunteered to be the old woman's caretaker/caregiver. she is a guzman and not a banatao (side of my mother-in-law). our relationship went well in the beginning. i supported her kids in any way i can, which i won't elaborate here anymore. i noticed some flaws on how she was taking care of the old woman so began endless frictions between us. until it came to a point she cooked up something to gain everything - ATTENTION & TRUST of the old woman, my sister-in-law in spain, brother-in-law in australia and all the relatives, here & abroad. she won. i became the bad & mean daughter-in-law & sister-in-law, a proud wife. i just woke up one day to find myself as small as a dot, distant from everyone. the 3 of us (me, husband & daughter) were suddenly alienated from everyone! that took years. each & every relative who visited my mother-in-law were met with cooked-up stories from her until the hatred (i have no other term) grew into a mound. i was not a dot anymore... i was nothing to them...
---now that my mother in law is lying in state, i have only visited her twice. the first night i had to leave the chapel and sat outside the concrete slab because soon as this relative saw me, she mumbled inaudible sounds which prompted my husband to lead me outside, less tempers rise. last night, my second visit, for the first time, i spoke to my husband's first cousin. sister-in-law met me but still with apprehension (or should i say a wall?). everything was cordial. i met my s-i-l's family (husband and daughter) and i missed them. terribly missed them. i met the wife of my brother-in-law whom i've missed, too. she has always been nice to me & my family but because of maryann's cooked-up stories about me, we drifted apart.
---even if i wanted to mingle with them, i can't. there's still a feeling of uneasiness. maryann and the other relatives she has poisoned their minds with were lingering last night while i was talking to some people in the chapel. i compare them to dogs, i call them "dobermans brigade". they were listening, carefully watching my every move. hoping & praying that my sister-in-law and i will never speak to each other again. at this time, i think she has succeeded. and i pray to my mother-in-law to give me this last chance of reconciliation.
---i will not write down the details of my domestic life but the main issue here directed to me was the fact that my parents-in-law were so kind to have already given us the title of the 4-door apartment in the form of a donation. this was given to me as a birthday gift before i gave birth to my daughter carmela in 1986.
ergo, in the eyes of my husband's relatives "you were given a property, so you have to be "nice" and "serve" your mother-in-law, no matter cost it will take. bottomline is - i have to be nice, kind, sweet, - i have to be a puppet - all because of this property that was given to me. weh!
---in the years that follow, relatives took care of m-i-l but were properly compensated by my sister-in-law in spain. i took the role of a "chorus line", i was there only if needed. but the nossy relatives could not take this. either i take the role of a "slave-servant" or they will 'benefit' from whatever will be left by my mother-in-law.
---one of these relatives, maryann gante(on the guzman side), a widow with 3 kids just came and volunteered to be the old woman's caretaker/caregiver. she is a guzman and not a banatao (side of my mother-in-law). our relationship went well in the beginning. i supported her kids in any way i can, which i won't elaborate here anymore. i noticed some flaws on how she was taking care of the old woman so began endless frictions between us. until it came to a point she cooked up something to gain everything - ATTENTION & TRUST of the old woman, my sister-in-law in spain, brother-in-law in australia and all the relatives, here & abroad. she won. i became the bad & mean daughter-in-law & sister-in-law, a proud wife. i just woke up one day to find myself as small as a dot, distant from everyone. the 3 of us (me, husband & daughter) were suddenly alienated from everyone! that took years. each & every relative who visited my mother-in-law were met with cooked-up stories from her until the hatred (i have no other term) grew into a mound. i was not a dot anymore... i was nothing to them...
---now that my mother in law is lying in state, i have only visited her twice. the first night i had to leave the chapel and sat outside the concrete slab because soon as this relative saw me, she mumbled inaudible sounds which prompted my husband to lead me outside, less tempers rise. last night, my second visit, for the first time, i spoke to my husband's first cousin. sister-in-law met me but still with apprehension (or should i say a wall?). everything was cordial. i met my s-i-l's family (husband and daughter) and i missed them. terribly missed them. i met the wife of my brother-in-law whom i've missed, too. she has always been nice to me & my family but because of maryann's cooked-up stories about me, we drifted apart.
---even if i wanted to mingle with them, i can't. there's still a feeling of uneasiness. maryann and the other relatives she has poisoned their minds with were lingering last night while i was talking to some people in the chapel. i compare them to dogs, i call them "dobermans brigade". they were listening, carefully watching my every move. hoping & praying that my sister-in-law and i will never speak to each other again. at this time, i think she has succeeded. and i pray to my mother-in-law to give me this last chance of reconciliation.
Monday, June 21, 2010
ahhh, technology of today...
---during my time, i remember the wonders of 'technology' revolved around pencil cases that had so many designs, automatic ones with colorful 3D pictures. then came the lunchboxes/lunchbags that came in tin can designs or plastic with embossed pictures of walt disney characters or fairytale designs. mine was thermos brought home by papa from abroad. i always had hot milo in it. there were dolls - walking/talking/crying dolls of different sizes. talking teddy bears. toys galore - running, crawling, flying, some even crashing!
---let's fastforward to electronic gadgets - my jaws dropped when i took the typing test at citibank. they were using the IBM typewriter while i only knew how to operate underwood & those rusty electric typewriters (or what is available). so imagine my surprise when i had my hands, first time on an IBM typewriter. look ma, no carriage return! and i don't see any keys (alpha/numeric). they had balls - courier, italics, different fonts, different strokes! as expected, i failed the first typing test. honest as i was, i bragged about perfecting it if i was to use the old, rusty ones. but that was citibank & they threw away all their old typewriters. my second try was a success - i levelled at 60WPM (on an IBM).
---double fastforward to "now" technology. i marvel at the words - upload/download/copy-paste/bluetooth & a lot more which i'm not familiar with because i'm not using them as yet. but imagine the capability of one small camera to take so many pictures because of the technology of the memory card & transferring them later to your computer because of another technology called the memory card reader? amazing!! i remember again during my time, we had the instamatic camera. buy a separate flash bulb if you intend to use it indoors or evenings. go to a photoshop to have your pics developed (either colored or black & white). buy an album so you can store them & let these albums be a center of conversation during gatherings. aww, those were the days of our beloved canon instamatic. we used it last during carmela's highschool graduation when everybody around us were already using the digicams! it was embarrassing but proud to say that, that canon instamatic served us well in all occasions -parties, weddings, baptisms, birthdays, funerals, and even on no occassions at all, when we just wanted to play "kodakan" at home.
---my favorite is the bluetooth. imagine sharing a photo that would only take seconds to have in your phone. whoever invented this technology is a genius! and i don't even know why they named it bluetooth (when no tooth is even involved or have you seen someone with a blue tooth?). as i'm writing this, i now can't help but to marvel at another technology called the "router". mhelai's active laptop (named "bibi") is the one we're sharing now. "lilli", is the notebook i bring along anywhere (this was our gift to her which eventually became officially mine now). i can't use lilli if mhelai is using bibi not unless we use the smartbro USB,but we have to load it a lot if i want to use it for long hours. so last sunday, we thought of finally buying a router to be able to use bibi & lilli at the same time, thereby saving a few pesos on smartbro load. it was a good buy, after all - imagine, now we can use bibi, lilli, mhelai's ipod and fone simultaneously!!! wow!! and as i'm writing this, i'm situated away from the computer table, around a simple corner of the house where i can buddha-sit, the electric fan kissing my face & most of all being able to use lilli again after a long time..
---let's fastforward to electronic gadgets - my jaws dropped when i took the typing test at citibank. they were using the IBM typewriter while i only knew how to operate underwood & those rusty electric typewriters (or what is available). so imagine my surprise when i had my hands, first time on an IBM typewriter. look ma, no carriage return! and i don't see any keys (alpha/numeric). they had balls - courier, italics, different fonts, different strokes! as expected, i failed the first typing test. honest as i was, i bragged about perfecting it if i was to use the old, rusty ones. but that was citibank & they threw away all their old typewriters. my second try was a success - i levelled at 60WPM (on an IBM).
---double fastforward to "now" technology. i marvel at the words - upload/download/copy-paste/bluetooth & a lot more which i'm not familiar with because i'm not using them as yet. but imagine the capability of one small camera to take so many pictures because of the technology of the memory card & transferring them later to your computer because of another technology called the memory card reader? amazing!! i remember again during my time, we had the instamatic camera. buy a separate flash bulb if you intend to use it indoors or evenings. go to a photoshop to have your pics developed (either colored or black & white). buy an album so you can store them & let these albums be a center of conversation during gatherings. aww, those were the days of our beloved canon instamatic. we used it last during carmela's highschool graduation when everybody around us were already using the digicams! it was embarrassing but proud to say that, that canon instamatic served us well in all occasions -parties, weddings, baptisms, birthdays, funerals, and even on no occassions at all, when we just wanted to play "kodakan" at home.
---my favorite is the bluetooth. imagine sharing a photo that would only take seconds to have in your phone. whoever invented this technology is a genius! and i don't even know why they named it bluetooth (when no tooth is even involved or have you seen someone with a blue tooth?). as i'm writing this, i now can't help but to marvel at another technology called the "router". mhelai's active laptop (named "bibi") is the one we're sharing now. "lilli", is the notebook i bring along anywhere (this was our gift to her which eventually became officially mine now). i can't use lilli if mhelai is using bibi not unless we use the smartbro USB,but we have to load it a lot if i want to use it for long hours. so last sunday, we thought of finally buying a router to be able to use bibi & lilli at the same time, thereby saving a few pesos on smartbro load. it was a good buy, after all - imagine, now we can use bibi, lilli, mhelai's ipod and fone simultaneously!!! wow!! and as i'm writing this, i'm situated away from the computer table, around a simple corner of the house where i can buddha-sit, the electric fan kissing my face & most of all being able to use lilli again after a long time..
Friday, June 18, 2010
and life goes on and on and on....from music to sports.
---i've never been an NBA fan. i have always admired the locals (PBA and UAAP). my passion for basketball dates back highschool days when san miguel team was the crowning glory of all teams. now i can still remember ning ramos at the helm, hah - my memory is still good (but bless his soul, he's gone now). i've always hated crispa! followed by toyota - anywhere robert jaworski was, i hated those teams (sorry jawo, i just don't like you).. there they were - paner, estrada, miego, ohhhh, i love those guys!!! ah, but those were the years.....
---then my attention switched to the next generation in basketball - alaska. it has always been alaska team for me. well, besides those good-looking guys tim cone (coach) and joaqui trillo (team manager), who wouldn't fall for this team. not to count out alfred uytengsu (owner). my craziness over this team has led me, my daughter & eventually my husband follow them, from the games at the araneta coliseum to the dugout, onto the gates where players, officials, referees, wives, kids, relatives of the players exited. i knew each & every players' car model, even their plate numbers. i had each and every autographs (never mind if they were smelly after a game, heh heh...but they always get a good shower after every game - i think.. but i was never a stalker. who would stalk a basketball player, anyway? ewwww!
---then when mhelai was in college, and just as i lost interest in basketball, she took my energy & passion of being a UAAP fan. naturally, it had to be LA SALLE! well, i like la salle because firstly, my godson, bernardo "bo" de leon, jr., graduated there with a degree in economics (yes, la salle taft). but my favorite color was blue! but if i chose ateneo, there would be chaos inside the house... so la salle it is... joseph yeo, mac-mac cardona, jayvee casio, mike cortez & rico meirhofer, to name a few were familiar household names. another trip to araneta's exit gates and we had their pics & autographs too. we followed la salle's games anywhere. mhelai even went to the extent of applying as a courtside reporter but studies had to come first.
---in one of her subjects, she was required to interview a bunch of basketball players and surprisingly her feet took her to the moro lorenzo sports center. and later in the evening we had to fetch her and it was also a good excuse for me to get a glimpse of those ateneo players whom they called "gods", hah hah. oh my goodness, tenorio was super friendly! chris tiu, jai reyes were among those ateneans. i had to call chris tiu to make a 360 degree turn just to get his autograph. but we're still la salle at heart.
---and after a very long time and these famous UAAP players went pro, i must have gotten tired of basketball and switched to a lot of things. in college, i made myself present in st. paul university's sportsfest. oh wow, i had a hero in basketball. one from the HRM dept. her name was stacey black. she was like - kobe bryant!!! weh! but sadly, there's another story behind this basketball star.
---back to NBA, i was hooked for a while when john stockton and carl malone were big names. what teams were they? memory gap. rockets? only because malone's face reminded me of my husband, hah hah
---and i forgot sports for a long time. well, i enjoyed watching the women's volleyball on TV. of course it will still be la salle. i remember illa and the carolino sisters. i remember mhelai & i sweating it out at the rizal memorial coliseum for the championship games.
---then my love for sports turned to music. so it was one evening at the MOA when husband asked me to look for an alternative to bocelli music in the car. i browsed upon the CDs under classical music and i got attracted to the pictures of these cute boys on the CD cover. "eternal" it says. while i thought it contained children's songs. so while walking towards the car, i read the list of songs - ave maria. i like ave maria but it was not the ave maria i knew when we played it. boring.... so we put it aside. came typhoon ondoy, my foot infection, mhelai's free tickets to libera concert...and that was the start of a beautiful friendship & admiration for libera & libera fans i met on the net. the rest, as they say is history....
---then my attention switched to the next generation in basketball - alaska. it has always been alaska team for me. well, besides those good-looking guys tim cone (coach) and joaqui trillo (team manager), who wouldn't fall for this team. not to count out alfred uytengsu (owner). my craziness over this team has led me, my daughter & eventually my husband follow them, from the games at the araneta coliseum to the dugout, onto the gates where players, officials, referees, wives, kids, relatives of the players exited. i knew each & every players' car model, even their plate numbers. i had each and every autographs (never mind if they were smelly after a game, heh heh...but they always get a good shower after every game - i think.. but i was never a stalker. who would stalk a basketball player, anyway? ewwww!
---then when mhelai was in college, and just as i lost interest in basketball, she took my energy & passion of being a UAAP fan. naturally, it had to be LA SALLE! well, i like la salle because firstly, my godson, bernardo "bo" de leon, jr., graduated there with a degree in economics (yes, la salle taft). but my favorite color was blue! but if i chose ateneo, there would be chaos inside the house... so la salle it is... joseph yeo, mac-mac cardona, jayvee casio, mike cortez & rico meirhofer, to name a few were familiar household names. another trip to araneta's exit gates and we had their pics & autographs too. we followed la salle's games anywhere. mhelai even went to the extent of applying as a courtside reporter but studies had to come first.
---in one of her subjects, she was required to interview a bunch of basketball players and surprisingly her feet took her to the moro lorenzo sports center. and later in the evening we had to fetch her and it was also a good excuse for me to get a glimpse of those ateneo players whom they called "gods", hah hah. oh my goodness, tenorio was super friendly! chris tiu, jai reyes were among those ateneans. i had to call chris tiu to make a 360 degree turn just to get his autograph. but we're still la salle at heart.
---and after a very long time and these famous UAAP players went pro, i must have gotten tired of basketball and switched to a lot of things. in college, i made myself present in st. paul university's sportsfest. oh wow, i had a hero in basketball. one from the HRM dept. her name was stacey black. she was like - kobe bryant!!! weh! but sadly, there's another story behind this basketball star.
---back to NBA, i was hooked for a while when john stockton and carl malone were big names. what teams were they? memory gap. rockets? only because malone's face reminded me of my husband, hah hah
---and i forgot sports for a long time. well, i enjoyed watching the women's volleyball on TV. of course it will still be la salle. i remember illa and the carolino sisters. i remember mhelai & i sweating it out at the rizal memorial coliseum for the championship games.
---then my love for sports turned to music. so it was one evening at the MOA when husband asked me to look for an alternative to bocelli music in the car. i browsed upon the CDs under classical music and i got attracted to the pictures of these cute boys on the CD cover. "eternal" it says. while i thought it contained children's songs. so while walking towards the car, i read the list of songs - ave maria. i like ave maria but it was not the ave maria i knew when we played it. boring.... so we put it aside. came typhoon ondoy, my foot infection, mhelai's free tickets to libera concert...and that was the start of a beautiful friendship & admiration for libera & libera fans i met on the net. the rest, as they say is history....
Monday, June 14, 2010
...the brighter side of life....
---i thought i'd be dead after my unpleasant encounter with some people i'd rather forget now but it pays to be silent for a while. i cleaned my contacts on FB, refrained from making comments, posting shoutouts and even strayed away from the chatbox (except for a few encounters with leo jap who somehow lifted my spirits during my down moments); jake evasco and rommel jerno who popped up unexpectedly and offered kind words & gave me links to view; the de castro family - jon, kojie and mom, mila who are natural comedians, this family never fails to bring out a hearty laugh from me even in the wee hours of the morning; mitch young, who has always given me words of encouragement & support; romina enopia who has left me for a better job in davao; sofia rodriguez who at a very young age (at 13) never fails to make me cry because she has always been there for me, offered words of comfort during my lowest days and lately, ericka flores (whom i accidentally deleted while cleaning up my contacts).
---after that incident, i "left" libera matters for a while. never went back to my pics, links, and vids. i kept my CDs and has switched back to andrea bocelli in my car. i pretend i don't see the poster mounted on the wall and if i did take a look at it, my vision got through. joshua madine's face didn't create a spark anymore, nor did cassius'. i hate to admit it but my admiration for tom cully has changed - so much so that during the time when everything was okay, it was so hard to find him - and after all these had happened, there he was - in the company of the people who hurt me. up until this moment, i still haven't gotten a reply from alan totten on why i'm banned on yoodoomusic. i never did anything wrong nor violated any rules set by him on that site so i deem it to be so unfair on my person for him to just "throw" me out, just like that. but i couldn't care anymore. my conscience is clean and i won't go on wasting time & effort to find out why.
---the games on the internet kept my sanity. pacman was back and i never failed to take a cut on the board but until this time, i still haven't got through level 7 but i'm proud to announce i've reached a score of 30 thousand plus. another game is brick shift which plays similar to collapse; tower stack is another good game & tonight, i finally beat my old score & has reached the 40thou mark. but leo jap's score still makes me dizzy....hah hah i finally had time for my cafe world which i neglected during libera days. i have missed getting in touch with a lot of people outside libera. i never realized how i spent much of my time on libera that looking back, it also became my "world". mitch young was right, life doesn't stop with libera - i thought i have moved on but dealing with those fanatics proved me wrong- i just moved on "a bit"..
---last night, i have finally reconnected with ericka flores through mitch, who was kind to have explained to her about what happened & why she suddenly vanished from my contacts. and eri was a barrington/madine fan. my libera album, which i have kept from public view has once again been opened - since i wanted to tag eri on my photos. i felt good looking at all of them again - some of which i have already forgotten. i also needed to untag those people whom i'd rather forget now but the memories of the meet & greet and the RCBC concert has once again livened me up. i missed their voices suddenly so maybe later in the day, i'll drown the house with libera music once again.
---there is life after libera...and now, i'm seeing the brighter side. now i can say, i have moved on...
---after that incident, i "left" libera matters for a while. never went back to my pics, links, and vids. i kept my CDs and has switched back to andrea bocelli in my car. i pretend i don't see the poster mounted on the wall and if i did take a look at it, my vision got through. joshua madine's face didn't create a spark anymore, nor did cassius'. i hate to admit it but my admiration for tom cully has changed - so much so that during the time when everything was okay, it was so hard to find him - and after all these had happened, there he was - in the company of the people who hurt me. up until this moment, i still haven't gotten a reply from alan totten on why i'm banned on yoodoomusic. i never did anything wrong nor violated any rules set by him on that site so i deem it to be so unfair on my person for him to just "throw" me out, just like that. but i couldn't care anymore. my conscience is clean and i won't go on wasting time & effort to find out why.
---the games on the internet kept my sanity. pacman was back and i never failed to take a cut on the board but until this time, i still haven't got through level 7 but i'm proud to announce i've reached a score of 30 thousand plus. another game is brick shift which plays similar to collapse; tower stack is another good game & tonight, i finally beat my old score & has reached the 40thou mark. but leo jap's score still makes me dizzy....hah hah i finally had time for my cafe world which i neglected during libera days. i have missed getting in touch with a lot of people outside libera. i never realized how i spent much of my time on libera that looking back, it also became my "world". mitch young was right, life doesn't stop with libera - i thought i have moved on but dealing with those fanatics proved me wrong- i just moved on "a bit"..
---last night, i have finally reconnected with ericka flores through mitch, who was kind to have explained to her about what happened & why she suddenly vanished from my contacts. and eri was a barrington/madine fan. my libera album, which i have kept from public view has once again been opened - since i wanted to tag eri on my photos. i felt good looking at all of them again - some of which i have already forgotten. i also needed to untag those people whom i'd rather forget now but the memories of the meet & greet and the RCBC concert has once again livened me up. i missed their voices suddenly so maybe later in the day, i'll drown the house with libera music once again.
---there is life after libera...and now, i'm seeing the brighter side. now i can say, i have moved on...
moving on...
Monday, May 31, 2010
....for being open; blunt; truthful; honest; friendly;trustworthy....

....i have been silent for the past weeks, losing a lot of my libera friends i met along the way - just how fast i came to know them, they quickly slid away, one by one...maybe i talk too much, maybe i "knew" too much, maybe i gave my opinions at the wrong time, maybe i've been too outspoken, maybe i gave out my views "violently", maybe i was too friendly and trustworthy or maybe i was just plain stupid.
....i have so many regrets. i never have should been too friendly. i never should have been too excited to accept friend requests left & right, i should have just kept my admiration to myself - that way, i never should have been bothered nor been a bother to other people. i thought i could "ride" alongside those teenagers' admiration for libera but when i started to notice something different, it costed a lot - trust, friendships, and then there was nothing left. i had my doubts and i will stick to it. even if it had cost me everything, my opinions and my observations stay. i know i may be wrong at some point now but time will eventually set out the truth. i have been called names - a "bitch" at some point. i have eaten "fuck yous" for a day - something which i never taught my daughter to speak. these words were never spoken in my household. i wonder how the word "bitch" could just come out from those kids' mouth! and i wonder how they would react if somebody called their mom a "bitch".
....i have been accused of being a "stalker" (a tom cully stalker). they knew i've always admired tom from day 1 i bought my eternal CD. all informations about tom were just given to me - left and right. i never knew how to copy a link; copy/paste; search, etc. even my own daughter could not get me to learn those computer terms i need to learn. these were painstakingly taught by my own libera friends who were just as excited to have stumbled upon this and that boy's account! i gambled on my knowlege. i was blocked by cully on FB but that was no big deal. if at some point i got through, i would not dare stalk this boy. all i wanted to ask from him was when did he record "ave virgo"? and nothing more. at my age, i won't have any interest about him nor his personal life. and i don't have that much time to stalk, anyway.
....until a libera fan offered me to check on him at "yoodoomusic.com" (sometime march). there he was! i introduced myself to the person who created that site (alan totten) and briefly wrote tom & commented how good he was with libera. he wrote back with a very brief "thank you x". i made the mistake of flaunting it and i feel sorry that up to this night, while i'm writing this, i never could imagine some people to be so cruel to take this page away from me. i didn't save that. i thought it will always be kept among my bookmarks. i kept silent about this site because knowing those fans to discover where tom was would create trouble for him. they thought i was selfish not to have shared yoodoomusic and tom cully with them. at least i did my share in protecting him even for a short while.
....now it hurts me to the fullest when somebody told me to check on his myspace account and there they all are, listed among tom's friends. but that's okay. if my doubts are correct again, these fans who are mad at me could have cooked up a story so my yoodoomusic and tom's very short reply to me could be gone.
....i still have a few of my libera friends who are cheering me up everytime the tide is low. one even suggested to review carefully all those requests i'm getting. one stays up with me till early morning to check how i'm feeling. another writes me encouraging messages though they still bring tears to my eyes(something i always hide from my husband). my cebuana friends are still in my FB account. my friends list soared to over a hundred after april 14th and 16th. but i needed to delete quite a number who i felt were just interested in my infos and whatever i know about the boys.
....i have never been a selfish person. in fact, i want to share everything i know and what were given to me - infos, pictures etc. but i have my limitations. if i promised this person i will never give out this info to anyone, i won't. i have quite a few number of stalker friends. they were the one who provided me with everything but it ends with me... i have photos of this boy and that boy, i have i infos regarding this boy & that boy but i always tell everyone, these are "privileged information" and i can't let it out.
....i guess my days as a "fan" are over. i don't have any regrets about meeting all 23 boys of libera including the crews and staff. it was an opportunity of a lifetime. it was an honor to have communicated with AW. maybe my detractors will be using this again against me - my very short association with AW. don't worry kids, i just did what i had to do between 2 people who had a little misunderstanding. and i hope you all are happy everything ended well between the two.
....i'm a forgiving person but what was done & said to me left a very painful mark esp to that boy i had my doubts with. i will never take back any single word i said because i know in time the truth will come out and by so doing, you will be at peace with yourself. i regretted having met you, having communicated with you, having you in my facebook account, having you as a follower of my blog and having answered all your posts no matter how doubtful they were already. i hope that for every libera song that you listen to, you will always remember the hurt and damage you and your friends have done to me.
....i was lambasted in my formspring account so i hope each and everyone of you are happy already. alan totten has already banned me from yoodoomusic while no explanation was given to me. i didn't violate any rules nor tried anything sinister in any of libera's page. i have also deleted my account with libera360, never been to benjamin totten's formspring account and just made ONE comment on callum payne's formspring account (my identity was visible. by the way, i don't do anonymous comments...it has always been tlg76@yahoo.com and orangecat).
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