---one morning of chat with norman sent him to his door, a package from "croydon". i asked him what the contents were. chocolates? goodies? and he was silent for a few minutes. and he said it was what "tom" has "promised" him. his "other libera robe". i warned him not to post anything concerning that "privilege". all libera fans will be drooling if he posts the news. he didn't listen to me....that post nailed him on all his lies....
---it was evident that norman was already running out of excuses. there was another scheduled "meet and greet" as orchestrated by "tom". in tom's words, there would be a "coup" of some sorts. everybody will be there - jonathan, sam, alex, mattie, ben and maybe liam can be convinced, too. it was excitement for everyone! what was supposed to be an ordinary convo will be a meet & greet on facebook. norman even requested the 3 of us to help him out. we were supposed to give support to the other boys while maybe the other half were interacting with the other fans. the
unexpected happened - no meet & greet because somebody tipped off management. hah, what a lame excuse!
---the 3 of us were already smelling some rotten lies among norman's chats. we tried him to join us on skype. but this time, surprisingly, "tom" was nowhere in sight - he wasn't on chat nor on his or norman's wall. we caught up with norman on skype. we wanted to hear his voice - his alibi was he was at his parents' house. no microphone available, connection sucks. oooookkkkaaayyyy! he was now defensive on some issues, like, "tom" wasn't in a good mood to talk, "tom" would be out of facebook for a while because he had to attend to his unfinished songs."tom" had this, had that, blah blah blah.... all i asked from him was produce "tom" for us to dispel rumors that he was a liar. up to the last minute, the 3 of us were still supporting norman. we believed, even if we were already starting to doubt.
---we were supposed to give him until this weekend to produce "tom" either on skype or a video call. chat on FB wasn't a good idea. then one morning, i was awakened by a call from my friend to go DZRH (this was our code for a skype conference). she chanced upon "tom" on fb chat and led him to go to her account on myspace. boom! she was able to track him --- and the connection led her to a place somewhere south, using digitel as the provider. early on, norman told us his connection was "digi-hell"...
---up until i'm writing this blog, i still can't believe how norman could have pulled such act. of making up those almost real conversations with the libera boys. of how he has gotten "tom's" robe which according to a source was quite unreal since all their robes were left in the church - or if they had one on hand, it was quite impossible to just give it away. and if someone would have that privilege, it must be the person who brought them here and to whom we owe so much for introducing libera to us, mr. roberto de ocampo. and not just an ordinary person who has high regard for himself, using other people for his own personal benefits, and playing with other people's emotions.