---i remember during my younger years when i patiently walked and drove the streets of manila just to look for "odd" jobs. odd, i should say, because i wasn't armed with any degree. my only reserve was a 2-yr college course and a drumfull of the english language (thanks to my elem and HS alma mater) and an exclusive girls school along gilmore, i bested the long line of applicants queueing for administrative jobs - only because my english was straight & fluent.
---it wasn't easy, though. while i passed all the interviews, i lacked that piece of thing which every applicant was asked to submit - a diploma. so it was another struggle to seek employment elsewhere until i stumbled upon those 'fly-by-night' companies - they hire you only after you sell and present them with a quota, after which there wasn't any office position available, anyway. this one tested my fury - i was asked to report somewhere in escolta with a promise of a clerical job. there was 2-weeks of endless trainings dealing with insurance policy then we get paid one-peso as a "token" given at the end of the day. two weeks passed and i see no tables or chairs or even an office set-up so i confronted the owner/manager what was the next thing to do. i'd sell about 10 insurance policies to get that clerical position i applied for. bullshit!!! i threw the one peso coin on his face because i applied for a clerical job & not as an insurance agent - besides, selling wasn't my turf!
---the HR. this is the human resource dept. of any office. the HR is in charge of dealing with all the applicants/applications/tests/interviews/procedures, etc. - for me, i think the HR is the life of any company. being so, we expect people in this department to be HUMAN ergo HUMANE which the dictionary says "humane people act in a kind, sympathetic way towards other people & try to do them as little harm as possible". i'm not biased here but in my years of experience of job-hunting, the HR is tantamount to a gestapo-like work area, where prospective applicants fear about. here, people act like mighty gods. they are your "make or break". the HR people are the last to look at you -either they'll hire you or let you walk out of that door. they're invincible, and they are ALWAYS right.
---i hope people who are in the HR department should be given extra training in public relations. and this is what my blog is all about. K had an unpeasant encounter with the HR dept. of the tutoring company, of which she already passed the necessary requirements & made to report for a demo which was supposed to be the last step for the homebase account until the HR personnel of said office made a blunder that made her withdrew her application. entonces, they let go of someone who is capable of doing a good job or perhaps be an asset in their company in the future.
---hell hath no fury, esp if you do this to a woman. after the explanation, tears, embarrassment & humiliation, i think it was just right for her to post this.
Ben Cariaga
by Kaye Guevara on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 1:54am

This guy is a Grade A-Asshole. Beware.
Know who is at Fault, Accept and Shut Up!
Do not point your stinky fingers at Me while You
hide your Supposedly HR OFFICER who Cannot even
do her Job Properly. Shame on YOU Both.
You called me out as if I was the root of the Mistake...
Fuck You Mr. Ben Cunt Cariaga. Call me a disgruntled
applicant as much as you want, You're still an
Because of You I lost interest in pursuing my application....
I'd rather work scrubbing trash bins than See you everyday.
You sit high and mighty behind that desk of yours,
ONLY because you're the Boss's brother. Nothing Else.
BTW, Check your Grammar or better yet,
Enroll to be Tutored. Bitch.