i never thought i'd be able to start writing - my days and hours are consumed by playing zuma and panda attack. occasionally, i'd drop by miniclip.com to play monkey snowfight (whack my opponents and earn high scores, which i'm proud to say i already did). these games have kept me going. the internet has kept me alive, my friends on facebook have somehow lifted my spirits (save for some uncalled memories brought about by some lunatics).
hubby's job at the call center has undoubtedly snatched my precious times with him. our afternoon soirees at the malls, driving around, eating out are sorely missed now. daughter's new job also brought a new round of schedules for me.
call center schedules are enough to drive you crazy! while before, hubby's shift was from 4pm-1am, he was thrown to another shift a month ago - 9pm-6am. it's not easy understanding this as my husband shares with the housechores which are now all left to me. my insomnia has also started when he was on that 4pm-1am shift - which leaves me waiting for him - thanks to the company of facebook and my other insomniac (maniac hah hah) friends who kept me company until i sign out. and yes, not to forget my beloved games at mindjolt and miniclip.com.
boring, yes. unlike when daughter was still in college - i had a list of things to do, routines to follow. drive her to school & back. attend school activities, make friends with anybody at school. there was never a dull moment and i was not even into FB most of the time as she was busy occupied with the computer - and we just had one before. ah, i missed those days when daughter & i would meet after classes at the mall, pig out and shop a little.
now, with daughter having a world of her own and hubby's crazy schedule, i am left with nobody. yes, there's finn (the family dog) and biko (our adopted kitten) to talk to all afternoon and evenings. we play rough and i'm now starting to bark and say a few "meows" in between.
it's almost always routinary - waking up late, having a late breakfast, late lunch, late dinner - almost all done late. and weekends are just spent on mass and groceries because most of the time i have to give time for hubby to get all the sleep he needs. and daughter sometimes has other needs to attend to.