i should not have made that a title, otherwise, people reading my blog will have total misunderstanding about the word MEN. but it leaves me no choice - these three are so far the significant people that happened in the two years of being a fan of libera.
as far as my memory (gap) can remember, i met mitch aka chukkoi through his videos on youtube. i was impressed particularly the one done where he was in that after-signing event right after libera's concert at the PICC. that was in 2009. thomas cully (my ever so favorite libera boy) was still with the group. chukkoi tried to let him speak a few words for the camera - i think it was liam who did the talking for him. this earned a lot of anger from libera fans saying chukkoi went "over the line". but at least his video was the ONLY clip showing tom upclose (nevermind if he didn't utter any word. at least he made all cully fans happy).
to cut the story, we became instant friends on facebook. he called me "auntie" because calling me "tita" was rubbish-sounding. then came april 2010. libera's summer promo tour. chukkoi had access to ABS-CBN, being formerly employed by this premier network- libera would guest in a noontime show "showtime". with camera on hand, he was able to access their dressing room, taking photos of how these boys were in "real life" - he took note of the robes, the scattered polos, shoes, bags, books - it was some sort of a documentary. again, he earned the ire of the fans - or maybe the staffs & crews of libera. he did. all eyes were on him - red eyes, with fangs now out.
chukkoi is very showbiz having been on television as a host several years ago. so events like this would make him go back to his passion, camera and hosting ergo libera was an exciting guest to show & introduce to the filipino people.
next blunder - the after-concert signing at the RCBC plaza. he wanted josh madine to greet us - oh, please, this thing is very common among showbiz circle - you start by greeting your family, friends, relatives, relatives of the nearest degree, your neighbors, hairdressers, seamstress, drivers, yayas & maids, and even the family dog. well, depending on how popular you are, you extend your greetings overseas - that would repeat the cycle of the people you'd greet - why, you can even greet the president of whatever country or even the queen! and it excites us that a celebrity (josh) would greet us (for all youtube & facebook to see)! nah, a big, burly guy in black blocked chukkoi & muttered something that started a "word war" of some sorts...