mitch, irvin, me and riel javan-sacop
me and mr. roberto de ocampo or "RFO".
me, mitch and riel with mr. andy winter.
an unforgettable meet and greet with mr. andy winter. thank you, andy for your time to meet us.
me, walking back to my seat with my corby on hand (thinking i had the best video of the boys)...turned out, i forgot to turn on the "record button". thanks to mitch, he had his 2 cameras with him & save my precious meet & greet.
with libera friends, irvin flores, mitch and riel javan-sacop. we all met during last year's meet & greet at the podium and concert at RCBC plaza.
with mitch young. he didn't have the intention of going to the M & G as he was on duty as a male nurse at the ortho. i "pressured" him to go to SM! LOL!
me, shaking the hand of mr. roberto de ocampo. i met him several times during last year's meet and greet but this is the first time i shook his hand in the presence of mr. andy winter.