it was a night to remember. compared to where we were at the PICC last year, that night, we were seated on row-d center. the stage was small, audio was poor but libera made it up with their angelic voices - something which they are known for. as we made our way to our seats, the usher gave us a program, written down were 11 songs, 2 of which were my favorites - how shall i sing and deep peace.
the program was brief, we wanted m-o-r-e! so they sang our libera "anthem" bayan ko. of course, it was an effort for cassius not knowing any single word and he looked cute mumbling words only he could ever know! josh looked cute singing 'time'. and ben was ben in 'exultate'. minijames kept twisting his feet and kavana, oh my ever dear kavana, almost like dancing while shaking his head to shake off his long hair. the little boys were cute! and i wondered who was hitting those high notes in 'how shall i sing'?
sammy looked cute with his husky voice. no wonder he now gets to sing josh's 'how can i keep on singing'. i'd love to hear that! and liam with the jellyfish incident in cebu? we didn't know that!!! at least our jellyfish knows how to apologize!!
my small group of libera fans waited until all of them emerged from the backstage room enro

when they left and news got around that they were stranded in athens, we all prayed. we knew it was going to be a tough time for the boys before they'd be back in england. my heart went out for the little boys and their parents who, around that time were worried sick already. i was glued to BBC for sometime to get some news. but libera kept us posted on where they are - heading for the apls, france and finally home... sweet home.
i wondered how you'd already smell in those blue polos you've been wearing since day one here in the philippines! hah hah and i hoped you had quite enough underpants in case of emergency, like this one. my daughter got so worried for little cassius... was he missing his mum already?
thank you, libera for making a sidetrip to the philippines . for giving us day of getting to know you and one night of listening to your beautiful angelic voices. we will never forget this and we look forward to a longer program, bigger venue, a very "relaxed" meet and greet, and a friendly interaction among fans and crew. LIBERA!!!!