we were excited about libera's overseas concerts in japan and korea. oh, how we envied these 2 countries again but i didn't discount the possibility of them "straying" to philippine soil since they're already in asia. i think around this time, i made myself visible at 360 again. there has also been some excitement on the release of their "peace" CD when news got around that they will be coming to the philippines to do a promotion of said CD.
comes the endless excitement & unending chats about their visit at 360. this site was flooded by libera fans asking for information. i came across joel andaya one evening in the SB (shoutbox). we all had pleasant exchanges regarding libera. and i learned that chix abellanosa was made one of the administrators of 360. to cut the story short, there are now 4 administrators of 360 - jon de castro, joel andaya, chix abellanosa and cayleb101 (Eos).
now i can't recall which of these 2 incidents came first but this will eventually have a "stain" on my friendships with the 2 "friends" - abellanosa and andaya. CA made herself already an authority as administrator of this site. one evening at the FB chatbox, she asked us (her old friends at st. phillip's circle) if we could add some more "regulations" she has already made on her checklist regarding the M & G. to make it easier for you readers to understand, CA has made a list of DO'S AND DON'TS for the fans who will be going to the M & G. in a jokingly manner, i said the crowd will behave if madine won't be there. this is just going to be a madine fans day, anyway. she wrote down several 'regulations' which for me were already "rules" which I DID NOT FAVOR. i asked her was this an order from anywhere from the top? roberto de ocampo? or was it only you, andaya and de castro? she said it might help to control the crowd & and make it easier for everyone (libera and fans) to make an orderly M & G. oh, she mentioned about less or if possible no screaming, no use of flash on cameras, to greet all the boys and not just favor a favorite and so on & so forth.
my reply:: we are responsible fans at 360. we cannot answer for all the rest who are going to the M & G. if someones screams for josh or JB or whoever, let them scream! this is our day, too. a day for the fans to enjoy - esp me who will meet libera in person for the first time. if there's going to be a problem, let the security handle it and not you or us, for that matter. i'm going to the M & G not to watch over people!!! for heaven's sake, i'm not a principal from an exclusive school to watch over screaming colegialas! her reason: so as not to duplicate what happened in cebu last year. i just told her over & over, let us all enjoy this meet and greet. throw away your list of dos and don'ts. there will be enough security for sure who knows how to handle the situation in case something goes wrong. what is important is the boys will be protected - and if somebody tries to hurt them, let's unite, all 360 fans to protect them ourselves..