my husband & i were at the MOA & he asked me to pass by the record bar to look for a replacement for andrea bocelli (vivere) which was the only favorite CD playing in the car. i had love songs in mind but decided to browse on. i stumbled upon this CD (eternal) with 5 pictures of cute kids on the cover - i paid for it without looking over the songs which i thought were children's songs! so while walking back towards the parking area, i read the line-up of songs (never heard of them except "ave maria"). and we played it - weh! borrrriingg!!! and that was just after the 2nd song, "sanctus".. i fast-forwarded to "ave maria", kinda liked it but still, it was boring... imagine to my surprise it had 2 CDs and i thought " 2 CDs containing boring songs! well, i read the tracks and the info on the cover- some were recorded far back as 2004. so 'eternal' took a backseat and we were back to bocelli.
i really can't recall now what came first - typhoon ondoy or the info of mhelai's friend BA de guia. as i posted this libera CD on my FB wall, he replied saying libera's concert was over & done with in cebu. i asked no manila? and he wasn't sure... i didn't even see them in 'eat bulaga'? so how come they went to cebu? what's with cebu? what's in cebu?
one evening coming from the mall, we sat out early in the parking lot of businessworld where mhelai works. my husband decided to put out eternal for us to listen since bocelli had been screaming the whole time since we left the house. it was awesome! i was silent & telling myself why we stopped at "sanctus" when there's more good music to listen to. my husband was already snoring beside me, heh heh it was lullaby to him..
from then on, it was eternal and nothing else. bocelli now took the backseat.. mhelai called one afternoon to ask if we wanted to watch libera in concert. i forgot the name and i just said yes, whatever. this was at the PICC (so it must be good). then i recalled, ah libera - yes, the cute 5 kids on the CD cover which we're now playing in the car. okay then. 2 tickets. but weeks back, i had a foot injury which was now getting healed (just in time for the concert).
we were seated far left at the PICC (a far cry when my husband was still with BSP & we had complimentary tickets, gov. tetangco was seated just in front of us - the best seats in the house). oh well, those were the days... anyhow, from the spot where we were, they sounded so much like the one in the CD, no visible faces except their distinct white robes - but i clearly saw the piano and fiona (in black). no autograph signing for me because of my injury. besides, i had no idea who these boys were! on the way home, i started playing the CD again and admired them more.. it was a night of angelic voices - unique voices.
then while i was working on my computer, i came across libera fans, too. i remembered signing up with libera360 and another site which skipped my mind now. it was fun. there was interaction among fans. i had a heyday browsing pictures and videos and eventually began familiarizing with each of the boys.
another trip to the record bar and i stumbled upon the angels in concert dvd-leiden. ah, this was the best CD ever! now it was time to get to know the boys upclose... but they were still kids here! well, there was that cute mexican-looking boy tom cully, the ever-smiling cute boy with moles on his face, joshua madine, the blonde angel-looking liam connery and the long-haired ed day. enough of their faces. let's go to the voices::::: tom cully is ahhhh, indescribable - he hits those high notes with so much ease that i don't know where he gets it from his small body frame. so i told myself, thomas cully is my number one boy in libera. joshua madine, what can i say? he's cute... and i'll kill anybody who'd say this boy is ugly! he has a husky, lovable voice - pang-showbiz. either he smiles while he sings or sings while he smiles - he's cute, both ways. liam connery, is this boy human or was he just dropped off from heaven? he's every inch an angel in looks. i recall having religious books with angels resembling liam's face. and this boy gets his energy from his eyes - they seldom blink. and when he hits those high notes (libera), the eyes says it all.. and of course, there's miniben, leggett brothers, joe snelling, michael v., callum payne, michael horncastle, oliver cole, and the others who i can't recall tonight (err early morning).
tomorrow, or later, i mean, i'll write about how my interest in libera blossomed into a beautiful friendship through 360 which became a "temporary" home for me..