it was hubby's first day on the job so i had to drive from home to the podium. i "forced" my daughter to take a leave so she can help me out taking pictures as i know from too much excitement and when i finally come to meet them in person, i'd be star-struck and go home empty-handed (with no pictures at all). i had the intention of tagging romina enopia along but she couldn't make it to our 2pm agreement since she had to finish things in school. i told her about the usual traffic along the gilmore-santolan area and parking at the podium.
i imagined lots and lots of people already queuing outside the doors of the podium. i thought we could not get seats anymore nor a good number for the autograph signing. we had to proceed to the ATM before finally going up to the venue proper. there were only a few people seated. i saw familiar faces. carmela bought the 'peace' CD (of which she got a poster and a number - 44). i saw mitch young with friends (i already knew him from his pictures); CA with siblings, sofia and her bubbly friends. i needed to be active in order to find out who are the members of 360, i needed to ask, i needed to feel the kids around. i remember asking alvem who was just standing innocently in one corner looking at us - are you from 360? yes. what's your username? bingo!!! they were all there! i met jon de castro and mom, milagros. i had a short conversation with de ocampo, whom i thanked for bringing libera again & told him i was with the government service before (he knew my former boss). and all the wonderful kids (and the not so wonderful kids, heh heh) of 360 were there. in fairness to andaya who said "libera builds communities", i think this is true, and so did libera360 who brought us all together sharing one common love for libera's music......and josh madine...LOL